The New Rakes

Free The New Rakes by Nikki Magennis

Book: The New Rakes by Nikki Magennis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Magennis
playing with your body, I can turn on the TV and find the movie channel. Watch some porn.’
    Kara could feel points of heat burning on her cheeks and she was breathing with her mouth open. She wondered if it was really possible to come just from listening to someone speak.
    Underneath her sequinned red skirt she was wearing a pair of string knickers, the kind that tended to curl up and cut into her skin. For a change, the irritating strip of fabric had become a blessing – it gave her something to rub up against if she rocked very slowly back and forth, letting the tight edges saw against the side of her clit.
    The pictures in her head flickered faster, coming in sudden bursts now: Mike’s hand between her legs, the blue glow of the TV screen in the corner of the hotel room, Mike unzipping himself.
    ‘Then,’ she whispered fiercely, ‘you take out your cock. You push me onto my front and open my legs. You drive yourself into me, until I can feel your balls against me and your cock fills me completely. I’m so fucking horny, but you won’t touch my clit, won’t untie my hands so I can make myself come.’
    ‘Even if you beg me. I just keep fucking you. And then I start feeling your arsehole.’
    Behind them, Kara saw a waiter turn round and give them a curious look, before turning away quickly. She wondered if this kind of conversation happened a lot at Windigo’s. Did men bring their mistresses here? Hookers? Was that why the blinds were pulled down and the lights were so low?
    ‘And then I sink my cock into your arse,’ Mike said, laying his hand on her knee and squeezing.
    ‘Uh, no, hold up,’ Kara said. ‘Don’t go there.’
    ‘No? OK. Maybe later. I’ll break you in slowly.’ Mike smiled. ‘So then, I fuck you harder. Pull out and come over your back. Let it cool.’
    ‘But don’t let me shower. Leave me there, tied up, sweating, begging.’
    Mike narrowed his eyes. ‘I’ll bury my face between your legs and lick you. Just lightly. Slowly, like I’m eating a particularly delicious bowl of ice cream.’
    ‘Sounds good,’ Kara said, digging her nails into her palms. She glanced quickly at the champagne, noted how much was left in the bottle.
    Mike continued talking. ‘I’ll draw it out until you can’t stand it. Until you can’t think and can’t speak and can’t breathe. And then I’ll tweak your nipples and suck on your clit and make you come so that you scream into the feather pillows.’
    ‘OK,’ Kara said. ‘We need to go upstairs. Now.’
    ‘I don’t know,’ said Mike. ‘Perhaps we need to work out the finer –’
    Kara stood up abruptly and dragged him to his feet. ‘Where are these rooms?’ She jiggled her foot.
    ‘Are you sure you –’
    Kara hissed in his face. ‘I don’t care where we’re going, Mike, or what the “agreement” is – we need to fuck, right
    He mock-bowed to her, like the waiter acceding to his patron’s demands. ‘Madam. I’ll be happy to take you up to my room and play dirty games with you. Just let me pay the bar tab first, OK?’
    As they stood at the desk waiting, Kara gripped her hands behind her back. The warmth of Mike’s body was just a few inches away and the knowledge of what his hands and his mouth would soon be doing to her made her feel as jittery as a schoolgirl. She wandered over to the window and looked out onto the square, tried to distract herself by watching the crowds of black-clad teenagers congregating like flocks of crows under the art gallery’s pillars. Finally, a man in a pinstriped suit appeared behind the desk. Kara turned and watched as his impassive face creased into a smile.
    ‘Mr Greene,’ he said smoothly. ‘I’ve reserved room five for you. I hope that’s to your satisfaction.’
    ‘Wonderful, thank you Robert.’
    ‘I know Ms Warren –’ The man’s eyes flicked towards Kara and widened abruptly. ‘I beg your pardon,’ the man murmured, lowering his gaze and sliding a set of keys over the

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