Once Upon an Accident 02 - Lessons in Seduction

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Book: Once Upon an Accident 02 - Lessons in Seduction by Melissa Schroeder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Schroeder
Tags: historical romantic suspense
saw the events in France during their revolution and plotted to overthrow the monarchy in England.”
    Anna’s eyes widened. “Do you think there is any truth to it?”
    Cicely shook her head. “I do not know. There seems to be an interesting layer of history woven into it, some of the more significant historical highlights are mentioned with eerie accuracy…” She shrugged.
    “Anyone could have done that. If nothing else, it could make for an interesting work of fiction.”
    “Yes, it would. Imagine, five men of noble blood, conspiring against the crown during the time of turmoil.” Her cousin’s look turned speculative. “You know what would make a better novel?”
    “The story of how they plotted but were never found out. That would be interesting.”
    She chuckled. “Seriously, Anna, why would that be interesting?”
    “Think. Five men, their very reputations at stake, their lives, their fortunes, and a diary that could ruin it all. That is powerful.”
    “Oh, it is probably just someone’s active imagination, but it is fascinating. So, I have told you. Now it is your turn. Tell me about this person you would like to have grow fonder of you.”
    Anna sighed, one of those dreamy sighs women did when they had developed a tendre. Her expression softened. Her speech slowed. When she spoke, she seemed older, more mature. “The Earl of Dewhurst.”
    “Dewhurst?” Cicely had to fight the urge to laugh. Now was not the time. She tried to picture the two together in her mind. Had she ever even seen them dance? “When did you decide you were interested in him?”
    Anna giggled. “Oh, it wasn’t me, but him. He asked to dance with me twice, once the waltz, then a minuet. Then he asked if he might call upon me, but with the weather and Mother’s illness, I decided to tell him I was not available.”
    “Correct me if I am wrong, but your mother is not harboring the secret of dying from the Black Death, is she?”
    Anna shook her head.
    Amused but not inclined to encourage the behavior, Cicely admonished her cousin, “Anna, that wasn’t very nice of you.”
    “Mother always says a man has to learn that you are not waiting for him, that he must wait for you, before he will truly appreciate you.” The bundle of energy she was, Anna jumped off her chair. The action startled Cicely. “Speaking of my mother, I need to check on her and see if she needs anything.”
    “Let her know I will be happy to visit with her, but I did not want to bother her.”
    Anna had already made it across the room. She opened the door but paused with her hand on the knob. “Cicely, do not be silly. Mother would love to have you visit. I am sure you are a welcome calm after spending time with me.” With a quick wink, she headed out of the room.
    Cicely closed her eyes and chuckled again. Well, Dewhurst was now officially off the list. She was not that interested in the man to begin with, but her cousin’s interest sealed it. He seemed a bit boring for Anna.
    Again, though, maybe that is what she needed. A colorful butterfly like her cousin might desire someone calm and uninteresting to even her out.
    But who would stop talking first? She smiled at her imagined clash of wills.
    It brought her mind back to her own situation and the smile fell from her face. If she had been plagued with errant thoughts before, after her encounter the other night with Douglas her imagination had spiraled into sensory overload. He had not called on her the last few days, so she had assumed that he did not discover her identity. Or worse, he had realized it was her and was mortified. Well, maybe not mortified, that was not a word men used when describing their feelings, but something along those lines. Horror? Embarrassment? Disapproval? Disgust?
    She sighed again, trying to fight the depression that had been getting worse with the constant downpour of the last few days. Rising, she went to view it through the paned window that looked out onto

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