The Rogue's Surrender (The Nelson's Tea Series Book 3)

Free The Rogue's Surrender (The Nelson's Tea Series Book 3) by Katherine Bone

Book: The Rogue's Surrender (The Nelson's Tea Series Book 3) by Katherine Bone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Bone
    “I’m under orders—”
    “Ha! Órdenes de quien ?”
    “If you’ll behave like the intelligent woman I know you are, I will tell you.”
    Mercy peered up at him as if searching for any truth to his words.
    Pins had loosened from her long jet-black hair, allowing the strands to frame her face. For the first time, he allowed himself the privilege of examining the thick lashes framing her fiery, mysterious brown eyes. Her unblemished olive skin flushed with a healthy glow, her aristocratic nose identified her as nobly born, reminding him that a vixen lurked beneath Mercy’s prim façade. It was as if, in this tempered, furtive mode, the cunning spy resembled her cousin, Constance, the most. And yet this Spanish hoyden was Constance’s complete opposite in every way but one… being related by blood.
    Something else connected the two women. They’d both been kidnapped by pirates.
    He released Mercy as if stung by that comparison.
    Mercy sank to her knees, gasping, then rose and slapped his left cheek with her right hand.
    The skin-to-skin contact took him completely off guard.
    She raised her hand, launching a second attack.
    He caught her wrist mid-swing. “Do. Not. Touch. Me.”
    “Then take me to my brother, damn you!”
    Garrick growled. Only a few worthy souls had earned the right to touch him and he’d struggled not to kill men for less. Furious, he fought for breath, searching her face, seeing Esmeralda, losing himself to memories.
    “Let me go.” Blood drained from her face. Defiantly, she jerked her arm, trying to get him to release her. “ Capitán Blade, you are hurting me.”
    He blinked at the sound of his name and gripped her harder as he came to his senses, then leaned close. “ Never touch me again.”
    She flushed. “I did not mean—”
    “Aye. You did.”
    Was that remorse he heard in her voice? Good. He’d never hit a woman in his life but Mercedes Vasquez Claremont’s volatile temperament tested his limits. If either of them were going to survive this voyage, ground rules needed to be put in place.
    His face stung. He fought the urge to examine his cheek with his fingers, choosing instead to ignore the brand she’d left on his skin. He’d driven her to violence. Aye, and didn’t he know it. He was a loathsome creature, a hideous devil, an appalling sight to anyone who laid eyes on him. Delgado had stolen the one thing he’d taken delight in — besides pirating — women. Now, forced into celibacy, he only allowed a few women near: his mother, the baroness, Constance, and Adele.
    “Please.” Her whisper soft voice infiltrated his defenses with mellifluous ease. “I must know. Tell me what you’ve done with my brother.”
    He stared at Mercy, unblinking, wishing for things he could never have again, a handsome face, perfect sight.
    “Take me to him.”
    He pulled her closer. Harsh words tore from his lips. “I told you that is impossible.”
    “Tell me the truth,” she said. “Have you already disposed of his body?”
    Garrick released her and staggered back two steps. Was he that hideous? Was she that eager to believe he was a monster?
    “Like it or not, I came to San Sebastian for you, señorita .”
    “Me? Impossible!”
    “As you can see,” he said spreading his arms wide and taking a bow, “not impossible.”
    “But I am just a woman. I’ve got—”
    “—no choice. I have orders to deliver you to London… alive.”
    “London?” She gasped. “But I was in the process of—”
    “Lord Danbury is quite aware of your duties.”
    “Danbury?” Her eyes narrowed then closed as she hugged her arms close.
    Was she afraid of revealing too much to him?
    She opened her eyes. “You… know him? He … sent you? This is not part of some scheme to avenge your misfortune?”
    “Misfortune? Is that what the Spanish call it?”
    “I meant no disrespect.”
    “None taken.” He thoughtfully played with the ring on his right hand. “Captain Belle and her

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