A Rancher for Their Mom (Rodeo Heroes)

Free A Rancher for Their Mom (Rodeo Heroes) by Leann Harris

Book: A Rancher for Their Mom (Rodeo Heroes) by Leann Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leann Harris
cowboy in the world.” Who knew her little boys had that many words and could use them in one afternoon? They were like the ground after a long drought, soaking up the rain of Joel’s attention.
    She couldn’t blame Joel. He was the innocent victim in this scenario. He’d seen a need and worked to fill it. No one had to point out the situation. And Joel seemed to enjoy spending time with the boys, unlike their father, who had found excuses not to be with them.
    Her children were crazy about Joel, and he actually got her to have some fun, too. It was all good, but what would happen when the rodeo moved on to the next city? How would the boys survive his loss? Cora? Her?
    Joel wasn’t trying to worm his way into their lives, but he had.
    Benefit versus cost. What to do? She’d already dealt with a man who had a wandering gene. She could pay the cost again, but could her babies? Would it be better for them all to pay the price of losing him, rather than never to have known the joy he brought to their lives?
    She didn’t have an answer.
    * * *
    Joel walked by the horse trailer he called home since he had gone back on the circuit. The trailer belonged to his good friend and now brother-in-law, Caleb Jensen. After Caleb’s marriage to Joel’s sister, Brenda, the couple had encouraged Joel to pursue his dream of getting the championship belt buckle. They’d even insisted Joel use Caleb’s horse trailer. For twelve long years it had been Joel’s dream to finish out a year on the circuit, working toward that belt buckle.
    After he graduated from high school, he’d wanted to follow the circuit for a year to get enough money so he could buy his own ranch, but after his high-school girlfriend and fiancée betrayed him with another man, Joel buried himself in the competition, and soon that drive transformed itself into the goal of winning a championship belt buckle. He’d been one of the top two contenders when his parents were killed in a car accident on New Year’s Eve. He drove home the next day. He’d never regretted leaving the rodeo, but now he’d been given a second chance. He didn’t intend to squander his opportunity.
    Joel stopped by the corral where his horse, Spice, a dapple gray, made her way to the fence, butting his hand, wanting to be petted.
    “You miss me?”
    Spice lipped the sleeve of his shirt.
    “I don’t have anything. Sorry.”
    Spice butted her muzzle against his hand.
    “Well, girl, what do you think of spending some time out in a pasture grazing in a field, getting to know a couple of little cowboys and their horses? You’ll enjoy yourself. Maybe see how I used to live on my family’s ranch. Who knows, you might like it and I’d have a hard time getting you back.”
    When those boys hired him, it had resonated in his heart. Helping with the ranch work would make him feel useful. And able to give April and her family some relief. He knew he couldn’t walk away.
    Spice turned and trotted back to the other side of the corral, mingling with the other horses.
    “Those are quite some eager cowboys you brought here this afternoon,” Jack commented, coming to a stop by Joel.
    “You remember when you saw the world with those innocent eyes?”
    “Barely.” Jack shook his head.
    “It’s been a while for me, too.”
    “So, am I going to see you tomorrow, or you going to be out at the Landerses’ place?”
    “The boys hired me to help plant those fields, but there’s work around the place that needs to be done that I doubt April can manage by herself.”
    Joel noted the smirk on Jack’s face. “You know what I mean.”
    “Can’t help myself.”
    Joel ignored the comment. “I’ll help at the ranch, since if I stayed here I’d have to look at your ugly mug. Out there, the scenery’s better.”
    Throwing back his head, Jack laughed. “You got me there. If I was in your shoes, I’d want to look at the lady, too.”
    Joel nodded. “If you need me for any reason, just

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