All In: Betting on a Full House (Gambling With Love)

Free All In: Betting on a Full House (Gambling With Love) by Lane Hart

Book: All In: Betting on a Full House (Gambling With Love) by Lane Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lane Hart
told me. Talked to me. I just feel like we should have handled it together, you know?"
    Tears slid quickly from each of my eyes down the sides of my face.
    "Don't cry. I'm sorry," he said, swiping his thumb across both lines of moisture. "It was my fault. I was stupid to get drunk and be so irresponsible with you. I'm not mad at you. I'm just … I don't know how to explain it."
    "Just tell me." I searched his face for what he was trying to say. 
    "I'm disappointed and feel guilty and … impotent because you didn't give me a chance to even try and change your mind when that baby was mine too. And now I feel like I'm ... irrevocably heartbroken. But I can't even begin to imagine what you must be going through. How are you doing with everything?"
    A sob escaped, and I had to cover my face with my hands. He wanted me to have his baby, and now he thought I was a horrible person, which actually I was for keeping the truth from him. 
    "Oh, Jess. It's okay. I shouldn't have said anything. God, I'm so sorry I've put you through this."
    Tyler pulled me over until I was lying on top of him. I felt like shit for not telling him, and I knew I was stupid to even consider us ending up together with a family. That sort of happy ending wasn’t meant for me, and never had been. 
    I was taking asshole to a-whole-nother level. When it came to dealing with this sort of thing I was lost. I was so damn tired and felt like a crushing weight was drowning me. I finally fell asleep after Jess relaxed against me, and slept until my alarm went off the next morning.
    When I raised up to turn the phone off Jess grabbed me and pulled me back to her. She buried her head against my neck and kissed me until I was rock hard and rolling on top of her. Jerking her shirt up, I took her one of her breasts into my mouth while cupping the other one in my hand. She moaned and squirmed underneath me, arousing me even more.
    "God, you feel good," I told her when I had to come up for air. "Are you okay?"
    "I don't want to leave but I'm going to be late if I don't go now. Can I see you again tonight?" I asked.
    She looked away before answering. "It's Thursday."
    "I have to work tonight."
    "Hell no. You aren't seriously going to work two days after … Shouldn't you take a few days off?"
    "No, I can't afford to take a few days off."
    "Damn it, I can loan you some money. Just call in at least for this weekend."
    She shook her head. "I need to work. I'm fine. Really."
    "Right," I conceded, then stood up to get dressed.
    "Tyler …"
    "No. You've made it clear you're going to do whatever the fuck you want."
    Once I was dressed I turned back to Jess who was sitting up in bed, looking sad and hurt, zapping my anger.
    "So when can I see you again?" I asked, taking a deep, calming breath.
    "I'm off Sunday," she said quietly.
    "Sunday?" Three goddamn days from now. "Well, if you want to see me then call me or text me."
    "I'm looking for another job."
    "Really?" I asked hopeful.             
    "Yeah, so if you see anything available let me know."
    "Okay, I will," I told her, breathing a little easier.
    I felt stupid for getting mad at her when she was only doing what she had to. It just hurt that she wouldn't accept my help or consider my opinion on anything. Maybe I was still a little ticked about the abortion, and I wasn't sure if she'd ever trust me to be there for her. Then again, I couldn't imagine what her childhood had been like, when the two people who were supposed to take care of her and comfort her caused her pain instead. That would probably make it hard to trust anyone but yourself.
    I went over to her side of the bed and bent down to kiss her bye. "I'm sorry if I was a jerk. I just wish you'd let me help you when you need it, or hell, just talk to me."
    A flash of guilt crossed her face before she nodded. "I'm working on it," she finally replied, raising her eyes back up to mine.
    "Good. So I'll see you

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