
Free UnexpectedChristmas by Jean Hart Stewart

Book: UnexpectedChristmas by Jean Hart Stewart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jean Hart Stewart
her begin to tremble, he surmised she was near the
breaking point.
    “Marianne, I’ll show Caro to her room now. Would you help
Miss Becky get settled? We’ll talk later.”
    He did not wait to see if she complied. He took Caro’s arm
firmly and led her to the huge curving staircase leading to the second floor.
He’d had Caro placed in the room next to his, with Becky at the end of the long
corridor. The housekeeper had raised questioning eyebrows at the arrangement,
but he’d looked his haughtiest and held fast.
    His heart plunged as he looked at Caro’s bent head beside
him. Her bonnet had slipped during Marianne’s embrace, was hanging now by its
ribbons, and her golden head gleamed in the sun shining through the multitude
of windows. He could feel misery wafting in waves from her distraught mind.
    He’d been planning on seducing her again, if necessary. His
main strategy was to propose to her one way or another, in her room or his. Now
she would never believe he’d planned to ask her when thinking her a lowly
French teacher. She might easily think it because she was a proven and
aristocratic lady.
    He couldn’t think what he could do to convince he wanted her
no matter her rank or fortune, no matter the sins of her father. To add to her
burdens, a suicide was banned from decent burial. She must find that hard
indeed. And she’d been left destitute and alone.
    How had she managed? How could she have survived such
    His anger flared against the dead earl. To be so
irresponsible as to leave his family to face his own sins horrified him. What
man could such a despicable things to those he loved?
    His normally intelligent mind seemed to have slipped its
moorings. He couldn’t think what to do. How could he best help his love find
any enjoyment at all in Christmas?
    And to accept his suit and his love?
    He had only one week. One week to convince her that his love
was sincere.
    How in hell could he get her to come back his arms and stay
there where she belonged?
    By god and his angels, he’d never, never let her go back to
that damn school. Whether she married him or not, he’d protect her to the end
of his days.
    Pray all the angels she would let him do it as his husbandly
    He led her to her door and kissed her hand, his lips
lingering until she withdrew her fingers, then left. He intended to go find
Marianne, consult her and then send her up to comfort Caro. At this point his
love would accept nothing from him. He himself would see how Becky was faring,
and if he could help there.
    * * * * *
    For once his plans seemed to work a little better. He found
Marianne and Becky looking out the window at the stables, where several horses
were being walked for exercise.
    “Oh, they are all so beautiful. I love horses.”
    “Do you know how to ride, Becky? I’m sure we can find you a
suitable horse and teach you, if you do not.”
    She drew herself up with a childish pride. “I’ve been riding
since I was three years old. My parents and I love to ride together.” Her voice
fell. “At least we did before they went on this last trip. They’ve been gone so
long.” Now her voice softened to a whisper. “I do worry about them.”
    Marianne gave her a hug. “We’ll find a horse for you, won’t
we, Sebastian? We’ll all go riding together. Did you know your teacher is a
superb horsewoman, Becky?”
    Another fact he hadn’t suspected about Caro. He’d not
thought to ask her to tell him about herself. He was one damn idiot.
    “I’d like to take Miss Becky on a tour, maybe even to the
stables. Would you go see to Caro, Marianne? Make her comfortable so she will
enjoy being here? It would mean a lot to me if you would.”
    Marianne’s eyes widened as confirmed her belief he was
serious about her friend.
    “There’s nothing I’d like better,” she said. “Wait ‘til you
see her decently dressed.”
    Flashing him a shining smile, she set off for Abby’s room.
By any name, her friend was a jewel

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