
Free Vindicated by eliza_

Book: Vindicated by eliza_ Read Free Book Online
Authors: eliza_
crazy, but I like you anyway.”
    “Oh, yes. He’s definitely not happy about me being here. Let’s try a little experiment, shall we?” Josh’s long-lashed eyes twinkled with mischief. He reached across the bar top, fisted a hand in Karly’s hair and pulled her lips to his for a long, leisurely kiss, his tongue sweeping through her mouth in a sensual caress. Too startled to react, she stood paralyzed until he released her. “Sweet,” he said, waggling an eyebrow at her. “And looks like your caveman is on his way over here to stake his ground.”
    “Josh, seriously. He couldn’t care less.” Nonetheless, her gaze travelled around the room to find Randy. In the space of the kiss, he’d moved to the end of the bar, where he stood with legs braced and arms crossed over his chest, obvious disapproval on his face. She cocked her head and raised an eyebrow at him in silent question. The only response she received was pursed lips and narrowed eyes.
    The slap of a serving tray on the bar top announced the return of Tasha. “Yeah, Randy’s definitely into you,” she said with a toss of her pigtails. “Every time you turn your back, his eyes are glued to your ass.”
    “Oh, snap, girl. I like you,” Josh said to Tasha, dragging his eyes over her colorful outfit with heartfelt appreciation. He waggled a finger to encompass her bustier and skirt. “This outfit is like Alice in Wonderland meets Betty Paige.”
    “Finally, someone gets it,” Tasha said, sighing with relief, a huge smile on her face. She turned to Karly. “I need two Jack and Cokes, a Crown and Coke, and four shots of vodka.”
    “Okay, got it,” Karly replied and went to work on the order. “So what’s up between you two?” She jerked her head in Randy’s direction, overcome with curiosity. “Were you going out or something?”
    Tasha’s laugh rang out over the hum of voices and music. “Yeah, for about five minutes. And damn, he was a great kisser. The sex was good until he called me by his ex’s name.” Her pert nose wrinkled with adorable mischief. “I’m not really pissed at him anymore. I just like yanking his chain. He takes himself way too seriously.”
    “I’ll say,” Karly replied.
    Long after Tasha left, Karly’s thoughts stayed on what she’d said. Was Randy still hung up on Pilar? She knew what it was like to love someone who didn’t love you back. Pilar had dumped Randy on his ass, hard and without warning. Even though Mitch was her brother, she didn’t approve of the way he shit on Randy. A person didn’t come back from something like that without a few scars. She bit her lower lip and watched Randy disappear into the back hall, wondering just how deep his still waters ran.

    Chapter 16

    From the end of the bar, Randy rubbed the back of his neck and tried not to stare at the blond guy talking to Karly. He recognized him as one of the bartenders from the Thirsty Scotsman. The way her face lit up at the sight of him caused a burning sensation in Randy’s chest. With his right hand, he rubbed the offending spot and tried to breathe through the discomfort. Were they dating? For some reason, the idea of Karly with another guy bothered him.
    Working so close to her tonight reminded him how much he liked her. Every brush of her body against his brought back memories of their one-night stand. This revelation gave rise to a seed of panic. No, it couldn’t be. It was too soon. He still hadn’t recovered from Pilar’s betrayal.
    When the blond guy pulled Karly across the counter and kissed her, the answer became blatantly obvious. He didn’t like it. Not one bit. He took a stance at the end of the bar and tried not to glare. Karly’s gaze met his. The large gray eyes had a way of pulling a man into their soft depths. He wanted to learn all the secrets behind them. A tap on his shoulder tore him away from the torturous tableau. Jack stood behind him, still pale, a scowl on his face.
    “I heard a

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