Out of Time
corner of the room where the dresser
    “When did they?” Sasha wondered.
    “Just last year. Don’t worry though — they
classified all their documents when they found out you had been
traveling through time. They just asked you what you knew and when
you didn’t say much, they left it. Personally I wouldn’t have even
gone to the police. They got too nosey.” Simon said to her.
    “Did they ever get into the attic?” Sasha
wondered. Perhaps they could sneak into the school and she could
try and use it.
    “Nope. Would you believe the door
disappeared?” Simon wondered and Sasha’s hopes fell. “Right after
you got back it was just gone. It was really weird. The school made
up some story about getting rid of the closet there. Overnight? Yea
    “So they made up a cover story for it and
left it alone?” Sasha asked. Simon nodded. “Be careful. It’s going
to get bad really fast when it goes public.”
    “It’s going public?” Simon asked,
    “They end up releasing the documents.” Sasha
    “That sucks.” Simon said, not sure of what to
say next. “Well, should I leave then?”
    “No, you can stay. Can you...I mean...” Sasha
started, not sure of how she was going to word the rest.
    “Can I what?” Simon inquired.
    “Just stay here with me. Sleep here?” Sasha
    “In bed with you?”
    “Please.” Sasha pleaded. “I don’t want to be
alone. not after what I’ve been through. You don’t mind do you?
It’s not like we’re strangers. I just want to feel your presence so
I know I’m not alone.”
    “I guess.” Simon relented, walking towards
her and laying on the bed. Sasha turned to him.
    “Thanks. I do like you. I really do. It’s
just a little weird when someone you’ve had a crush on is dating
you, marries you, and then you have their baby, and you’ve never
ever really told them how you feel.” Sasha said to him. He looked
at her, his eyes dancing.
    “I felt the same way for so long.”
    “If I ever get back I’m going to tell you.
Straight to your face.” Sasha said, with a giggle.
    “That’d be nice.” Simon breathed out
    “Then I’ll kiss you.” Sasha smiled.
    “Uh huh.”
    “Then I’ll start dating you in high school.”
Sasha said, thinking of how their life would be with such a head
start on their relationship. She turned on her side and folded her
hands on her pillow.
    “Then by this time, our first time, we’ll be
married.” Sasha said. Simon regained some of his consciousness.
    “Jumping the gun a bit?”
    “Nope.” Sasha said to him. “You need me and I
need you. We’ll be fine.”
    He yawned and muttered out, “Nice.”
    “I know.” Sasha said, replying with a yawn
herself. Soon she drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


    “Happy birthday!” Simon called out as he
opened the door to their new apartment. He walked over to Sasha and
gave her a peck on the lips as he turned back to help Mandy in.
    “Thanks, love.” Sasha said.
    “Happy birthday Sasha.” Mandy said, edging in
from the doorway. “Congratulations are in order I hear?”
    “I told her on the way in.” Simon explained,
lifting a bag and placing it inside. he grunted with the weight of
    “Thanks Mandy.” Sasha replied, holding out
her beautiful diamond ring so her friend could see. “How was your
flight? I can’t believe you came all this way for me.”
    “I can’t believe I was able to get time off
from med school.” Mandy answered with a huff, flipping her hair.
“There was an issue with the HVAC system so they had to close on
Friday and it made it all possible. My goodness, how long has it
been since we’ve seen each other?”
    Sasha recounted to when she first appeared in
this timeline. She hadn’t seen Mandy since then, only talked to her
on the phone to catch up. “Uh...I really don’t know.”
    “Oh never mind that.” Mandy said, brushing
her off. “I’ve got to tell you about this

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