Death in a Beach Chair

Free Death in a Beach Chair by Valerie Wolzien

Book: Death in a Beach Chair by Valerie Wolzien Read Free Book Online
Authors: Valerie Wolzien
to insist that everyone remain within Compass Bay for the time being.” A tall woman with an impeccable auburn French twist and skin so pale that Susan could only wonder at how much sunscreen it took to accomplish this in the Caribbean stopped them as they began to walk around the jetty.
    “By whom?” Jed asked.
    “By the island’s police chief,” the woman said, while Susan tried to adjust to her husband’s impeccable grammar.
    “Is everyone being asked to remain on the premises or just some of the guests?” Kathleen asked.
    “The staff has been interviewed and allowed to get on with their work. Those who work different shifts have been allowed to go home and rest before returning to work to pick up their regular schedule later in the day. This is a very small island and everyone knows everyone else. Anyone doing anything unusual will be quickly reported.”
    “The police seem very sure of your staff,” Kathleen said.
    “They have reason to be. They know that we are very careful whom we hire and who remains in our employ.”
    “Yes, but there do seem to be fewer people around,” Susan said. “Perhaps many of the guests have decided to remain in their cottages.”
    “Well, there were two parties of guests who were scheduled to fly back to the mainland later this morning and who have been allowed to do so.” For the first time since she had barred their way, the woman faltered slightly. “The police apparently determined that those who were allowed to leave had nothing to do with Ms. McAllister’s death.”
    “And how did they know that?” Susan asked.
    “I can’t tell you how their minds work, but I can suggest that you not underestimate them. Now, if you will excuse me, I have many extra things to deal with immediately due to this unfortunate event.”
    “I gather that was Lila. The woman who manages this place?” Jed asked.
    Jerry and Kathleen nodded.
    “This is weird,” Susan said when the two couples were alone together. She didn’t expect anyone to disagree.
    “Maybe it’s not. Maybe there’s something more sinister going on here,” Kathleen suggested.
    “What do you mean?” Jed asked, wandering over to an upturned kayak and sitting down.
    “Kath thinks the police are going to arrest me for Ally’s murder.”
    “Do you know who killed her, Jerry?” Kathleen asked angrily. “Do you even know anyone else here who knew her? Are you willing to put your future in the hands of a police department you know nothing about in a foreign country? Are you?”
    “Do you know if Allison was here with someone else?” Susan asked.
    “Did you speak with her?” Kathleen asked.
    “I think we should find out who else knew Allison,” Susan said, pressing her point when Jerry didn’t answer.
    “I believe our guidebook to the island mentioned something about a local U.S. embassy office. Perhaps we should call there before any more time passes,” Jed said quietly.
    “Did you speak with her?” Kathleen asked Jerry again.
    “I think Jed has made an excellent suggestion. We should find that guidebook—or a phone book—and insist on speaking to a representative of our government,” Jerry said, ignoring his wife.
    “Fine. You and Jed go call the embassy. Susan and I will just sit here and twiddle our thumbs.” Kathleen, despite her words, folded her arms across her chest and turned to look out at the sea.
    “We’ll be here when you’re done,” Susan said, speaking more calmly than her friend.
    “We won’t be long,” Jed said, getting up and following Jerry back toward the cottages.
    “Don’t you think it’s a little odd that the police are allowing some guests to fly home and others aren’t even permitted to leave the resort?” Susan asked after a moment of silence.
    “I think it’s more than odd. I think it’s sinister. They’ve focused their investigation on one or a few suspects, and they don’t care about anyone else.”
    “If that person is Jerry, then Jed’s suggestion

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