The Perfect Solution-A Suspense of Choices
    "Get a towel and clean that mess." She had demanded as she angrily, gave him a shove in the chest.
    "You do it. And if you know what's good for you, you would back your short little tail up."
    She moved back a bit, hands on hips and measured his length with her eyes.
    "Am I supposed to be afraid of you?" She looked into his eyes and smirked.
    Ignoring the anger in her face he stepped closer and tapped her on the forehead with the tip of his pointer finger.
    "Yes," laughing when she angrily slapped at his hand and missed contact, he continued talking. "I don't know what makes you think you can run my life. You want total control of me. You want to know my every coming and going. You are worse than my mother. I can't live with that."
    "You are one selfish bastard, Austin. You want me to save myself for only you while you go out and share yourself with the masses. So I’m just going to tell you this one time, from now on I’m out to please myself. I no longer want you in my life."
    "You mean to tell me," he folded his arms across his chest. "You are going to stand there and break up a terrific relationship because I won't move in here with you?"
    "Hell, yes and you know as well as I that it doesn't just have to deal with you moving in here."
    "Right, I wouldn’t bet on it"
    "Yeah, right I have the feeling that you only want me for sex."
    "Wait a minute. Don't go there. I can get sex anywhere, any time. Don't think there is none better than you."
    Catrine laughed raucously. "You know I'm better than ice cream."
    She looked at Austin with a beguiling smile and her hands on her hips. He laughed out loud, forgetting for a moment that they were in the middle of an argument. He shook his head as if to clear his mind.
    "You forget that ice cream comes in a variety of flavors. Not that I want to try any." he raised his hands in defense. "I think you need help Catrine."
    "Not to deal with you." She looked him up and down.
    "To be able to deal with life, you're delusional. I know a couple of psychiatrists that may be able to help you. No, just listen," he held up his hand to silence her. "I am not about to get in another argument with you. If you want to give up something that could be the best thing you ever have in your life, it's your choice."
    "It's you that's throwing me away. Why in God's name would I want to be with someone that just wants to fu…?"
    "Don't say it." He grabbed her hands and held them within his own. "You now I hate that word especially when you use it in that context. It sounds like we are just animals taking a random plunge. You mean more to me than that. It means a lot to me that you thought me worthy to be your first lover, but I don't want to live with you."
    Yanking her hands from his grip, Catrine turned her back on him. She wiped her tears and smoothed her hair before turning back to face him. Unable to hold his gaze she looked at her feet and pushed her hands into the pockets of her robe. Taking another deep calming breath, she again raised her eyes to his level.
    "You know Austin I love you to death. I would rather be with no one else but you," She stepped back as he stepped forward. "But I cannot go on the way we have been. We argue all of the time lately and I can't deal with it. The best thing we could probably do for each other would be to not see each other again."
    "If that is the way you see it, then this will be your choice. Just remember that you are the one making this decision for us."
    "How can you say that?" Catrine's rage erupted. "I am not making the decision to get rid of you. I want you and you have your own reasons for your decisions. They just don't happen to flow with mine. I will not sit here and continue to pretend that things can work between the two of us when I know in my heart that you don't care for me. So, take your damn little duffel bag," Catrine picked up the small red bag that he always used when he stayed overnight and threw it towards him. "And get the hell out

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