Shades of War

Free Shades of War by Dara Harper

Book: Shades of War by Dara Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dara Harper
Shades Of War

    Dara Harper

    Copyright ©
2008 by Dara Harper

    Story Marketplace

    All rights
reserved. No part of this play may be reproduced in any form without
    I was first
introduced to the story of Phoebe Fraunces while working as a tour
guide in New York City (one of the many jobs I held to support my
artistic endeavors.) Tour guides must be very knowledgeable about the
history of the Big Apple to pass a test required to receive a
license. I spent hours at the library learning about the early days
of the city once known as “New Amsterdam.”

    Phoebe was a free
woman of color of Haitian and French ancestry who saved George
Washington’s life in 1776 and exposed a British assassination plot.
Her father, Samuel served as a private during the American Revolution
and was one of Washington’s biggest supporters.

    She was a woman
ahead of her time who faced countless obstacles with courage and
self-determination. My admiration for Phoebe compelled me to give a
voice to a story that history books have ignored.

Of War debuted in a crowded theater
where I was humbled to see audience members cheer for the heroes and
villains I crafted based on real people and historical events. Since
then, it has had a successful Off-Broadway production and been
presented in several venues across the nation.

the 18 th Century, women and people of color faced unspeakable oppression and I
hope that my play does justice to Phoebe’s remarkable and true

    Cast of Characters:
    Male, 40’s. African and French ancestry. Originally from Haiti (formerly Sainte-Domingue), he’s a meticulous man who carries himself with class and poise.

    Female, age 18. African-American. She is educated and beautiful and represents the fruits of her father’s labor.

    Male, 20’s, African-American, a Louisiana native, agile and muscular.

    Male, 20’s. African-American, fair complexion, Philadelphia-born from a wealthy family.

Male, late 20’s. Irish immigrant with charm.

    Male, 40’s. Haitian, Samuel’s brother, a passionate revolutionary.

    (1) Fraunces’ Tavern on
Pearl Street, near Broad Street.
    (2) The living room of the
Fraunces Family home.
    (3) Secret meeting place for
Thomas & Phoebe.
    (4) Soldiers’s hospital at
    (5) Guss’ Tavern.

    New York City (1776 - 1789)

Scene 1
    It’s closing
time at the Fraunces' Tavern and lights are low. GUSS and THOMAS are
engaged in a drinking match. The men down their ale. GUSS finishes
first and lets out a big laugh.

    THOMAS: Jesus,
Joseph and Mary!

    GUSS: Only way to
pass the time, land or sea.

    THOMAS: Nothing

    GUSS: I can think
of a couple of things... like Rebbecca... My oh my, that girl got
some hips on her! Remind me of the women back home... And a voice...
sweet like maple syrup... Every time I lay down with Rebbecca, it's
like music... all them pretty sounds she make. And I declare,
Rebbecca is worth every coin! I don't even look at that other one,
what's her name? That skinny one with the long hair... Sally. Only
took up with her one night, 'cause Rebbecca wasn't around. Sally
didn't make a sound the whole time, like she was mute or somethin'. I
ain't got no use for quiet women.

    THOMAS: I don't
know... there's a certain charm about a quiet woman. Like me
mother... she wasn't much on words but she had a grace about her.
Quiet women make for fine wives.

    GUSS: But if you
had one coin to your name, who would you spend it on, Rebbecca or

    THOMAS: Neither.
I don't have to pay for the company of a lady. Any woman can be won.

    GUSS: How you
figure that?

    THOMAS: With the
right words and bit of patience, you can keep your coins right in
your pocket.

    GUSS: You sure
got some high ideas.

    THOMAS: I take
you don't believe me...

    GUSS: I save all
my believing for God.

    THOMAS: Wise man.
Better get

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