Blood and Bondage

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Book: Blood and Bondage by Annalynne Russo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annalynne Russo
    Oliver raised his head, and traced the ridge of
her spine with his tongue. Once he’d reached her tailbone, he turned Anaïs over
onto her back. She was so weak that she couldn’t even open her eyes.
    Oliver must have sensed the dire nature of her
pale, listless body. The truth of the matter was she hadn’t had much sustenance
to speak of in the last week. In fact, the only blood she’d sampled had come
from him. Oliver lifted Anaïs’s hand and kissed it before he used one of her
long, deadly claws to cut a tear in the flesh of his pec. Then, he cushioned
the back of her head in his hands and forced her to drink from the bloody wound
on his chest. Hot and heady, his alluring flavor slid down her throat. However,
she was so spent that she could only take a few short sips.
    “Get some rest, my sweet little sub. When you
wake up, we’ll finish where we left off.”

Chapter Ten
    Oliver woke suddenly. The sound of someone
banging on the door of his suite jostled him from his sleep. He pried open one
eye and took note of the dark sky and rustling trees outside his window. The
clock to his left read a quarter til six, however the sun had still not risen.
    “Wake up, man. Something’s up.” Adam’s voice
projected through the thick walls of the room. Oliver turned over onto his
back, feeling the coolness of the empty pillow next to him. For a moment, he’d
forgotten that he left Anaïs resting peacefully in the bedroom adjacent to his,
one hand still chained to the headboard. Tussling with sheets trapped around
his ankles, he climbed out of bed and walked toward the door.
    “What’s the problem? Is it the vamp?” Oliver
asked as he yanked on the doorknob. He was naked, other than the bedding
fettered at the hips. Adam shot him a knowing glance. While he’d slept alone in
his bed, the scent of a woman’s juices nonetheless clung to him. It didn’t help
that he’d answered the door without a stitch of clothing.
    “No, she’s fine. Still knocked out from what I
can tell.” Adam’s breath smelled of stagnant coffee. His hair looked disheveled.
From what Oliver gathered, he hadn’t slept all night. It was no surprise. Adam
often stayed up way past dawn, analyzing forensic data in the lab located in
the basement. “But the alarm’s been disarmed. Someone might have gained access
to the house.”
    Shit! Oliver slid on a pair of snug-fitting
jeans. It had to be
He should have known that arrogant bastard wouldn’t be afraid of sneaking into a
lion’s den. Before checking on Anaïs the night before, Oliver had read through
the intel he’d received on Anaïs’s former lover. Other than a few run-ins with
law enforcement for drunk and disorderly conduct, he showed up as nothing more
than a tiny blip on BPA’s radar. He was a well-to-do bloodsucker with a
proclivity for wine and women, but the rest remained a mystery. Coupled with
the fact that the trace they’d put on the blue sedan turned out to be a dead
end, Oliver was desperate for answers, the kind that only one person could
    He shoved open the adjoining door that led to
Anaïs’s suite. She was sound asleep, her serene expression proof that she’d
been well loved the night before. While technically they hadn’t had
intercourse, the female vampire had writhed and moaned in his arms. From what
he could tell, he’d gifted her with at least two mind-blowing orgasms. Oliver
wasn’t quite sure what had come over him. Anaïs brought out his wild, reckless
side. On top of that, the vixen gave one hell of a blowjob too.
    Oliver placed a hand to Anaïs’s shoulder and
jolted her from slumber. Her mouth turned up at the corners as a satisfied grin
spread across her face. She stretched her long, agile limbs like a content
jungle cat. The slits of her amber eyes shone bright against the fading
    Lord have mercy! She’s the most beautiful woman
I’ve ever seen.
    “Morning,” Anaïs said

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