Blood and Bondage

Free Blood and Bondage by Annalynne Russo

Book: Blood and Bondage by Annalynne Russo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annalynne Russo
least, for tonight.
    “I’ll take you up on that offer. But only on one
condition,” Oliver said, his attention focused on the swell of her breasts.
They rose and fell with each inhale and exhale of her breath.
    “What’s that?”
    “I’m in charge. You’ll do exactly as I say.” The
rumble of his voice as he uttered the sultry demand reverberated through her,
sending shivers down her spine. “Now stand up and remove your clothes. I want
to see you. All of you.”
    Unable to speak, Anaïs did what her lover asked.
Due to the handcuff on her right wrist, she couldn’t pull her clothing over her
head. She unzipped her leather skirt and lowered it past her thighs. Then, she
slid the matching halter top down until the slinky black material fell to the
floor. The wind from the open window whipped around the room, and made both of
her nipples stiffen into tight, aching peaks.
    For a brief moment, Oliver stared, his blue eyes
memorizing the shape and contour of her subtle curves. He paid particular
attention to her small, round breasts.
    “Turn around,” he said, making circles in the
air with his index finger until she obliged. Then from the corner of her eye,
she watched him open the top drawer of the night stand by the bed, and pull out
an object. It had a wooden handle that connected to nine long strips of thick braided
leather. At the end of each one, a red silk rose was woven into the hide.
    “What is that?” Anaïs felt the soft petals trace
along the curvature of her spine, making her sensitive skin quiver at the
    “It’s a flogger. I picked it up the other day.
Just for you.”
    “For me?” she asked as a surge of excitement
shot through her.
    “Mmm hmm.”
    Oliver stepped closer. His rock-hard abs pressed
against the hollow of her back. Then he wrapped his arm around her waist and traced
the ends of each graceful, swirling strap along the ridge of her narrow hip. Hot
breath skimmed over her, which forced Anaïs to groan out loud. The overload of
sensation caused her pussy to clench too. She shifted her weight, letting her
body sag against Oliver. No use in fighting it any longer.
    All of a sudden Oliver raised the flogger over
his head. In a split second, he lowered it back down, snapping the smooth
leather tails against the inside of her thigh. The thorns on the petals marked
her flesh with tiny red imprints. Anaïs winced, then moaned as pain and
pleasure eviscerated her control.
    Without warning, her incisors emerged. Her
fingernails unfurled, clawing the rich mahogany wood of the headboard, both of
which were instinctual reactions triggered by her lover’s overzealous play. She
wanted Oliver. Badly. But the compromising position he’d placed her in had inadvertently
unleashed the beast within.  
    “How do I know I can trust you?” Anaïs asked,
arching away from him as juices from her pussy drizzled down her leg. The rich,
floral scent of her sex permeated the room. Her body was certainly primed. However,
before she could fully submit, she had to hear his reply. He’d already stolen
her soul; the least he could do was leave her dignity intact.
    “Isn’t it I who should be afraid? After all, you’re
the vampire.” A sly smile appeared on Oliver’s devilishly handsome features. At
the same time, he snapped the cat o’ nine tails briskly across her ass cheek,
the one with the wildflower tattoo that he’d been ogling earlier. “But if it
makes you feel any better, we can use a safe word. That way, if things get too
tantric for your taste, we can stop.”
    “Good idea.” Lifting one knee onto the mattress,
Anaïs spread her thighs. That way, Oliver could see all she had to offer. “You
seem fascinated with my body art. Perhaps ‘wildflower’ would do as a safe
    “Per. Fect.” Oliver growled the two syllables as
he stroked his cock through his trousers. Then, he reached out to swipe his
palm over the puddle of liquid that had pooled behind her knee. He lifted the

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