Lords of Honor

Free Lords of Honor by K. R. Richards

Book: Lords of Honor by K. R. Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. R. Richards
He removed all his clothing except his trousers .
    She stirred as he lay back on the pillow .
    “Micah?” she whispered .
    “Did I wake you, sweetheart?”
    “No . I don’t think so . Was I asleep?” Libby turned over to face him .
    “I thought you were . Are you still cold?”
    “ Just a little .” Could it be she just missed his warmth ? Libby realized in a very short amount of time, she had grown accustomed to Micah’s nearness .
    “Come here.” Micah pulled her closer, placing her head on his sh oulder . He kissed her temple . “Better?”
    “M m m . Yes.”
    “Good . S leep well, Libby .” He rest ed his hand on her hip . He wanted to fall asleep before certain distracting thoughts crept into his mind and kept him awake .
    Micah woke to Libby whimpering . She m ov ed restlessly . He reached for her and p ulled her close . She was dreaming . I t appeared to be a nightmare , for she seemed frightened . She was talking .
    “Archangel Michael, please help me get away . Please send someone to help me . I cannot even walk on my own . These men m ean to kill me . Please help me! ”
    Micah stilled for a moment . She prayed t o Archangel Michael to save her ? The same angel he prayed to for his perfect love . Micah smiled to himself for a moment . He t hen set about co mforting his lady , h is fiancée, h is soon-to-be wife and apparently h is precious gift from th e Archangel Michael . H e silently thanked the angel.
    “Shh , Libby, sweetheart you’re dreaming,” he whispered in her e ar . She whimpered again . “Shh ,” he crooned, smoothing her hair from her face . “You’re safe, Libby . You’re safe now, sweetheart.”
    Her eyes fluttered open . “Micah ! Oh thank goodness . I thought I was kidnapped again .” She snuggled closer . Her hand moved to rest on his bare abdomen .
    Micah tend erly kissed her forehead . “No, sweetheart . You’re safe ; y ou’re h ere with me.”
    “Thank God . I prayed to the Archangel Michael that day, for he is the angel of protection . It was j ust before I walked in to the White Hart . Then I saw you . It was a miracle, I t hink, ” Libby whispered as she tucked her head beneath his chin.
    “M mm .” Micah stroked her back . “I believe you are right, Libby . I believe you are my miracle I p rayed for,” he whispered to her . He realized she was already fast asleep . Smiling, he kissed her forehead .
    He just enjoyed holding her for a time, knowing now she was meant for him, meant to be his wife . He received confirma tion that Archangel Michael heard and responded to his prayer on Glastonbury Tor . He and Libby were meant to be together . He sm iled . Soon, he f ell asleep holding his L ady.
    He woke some hours later lying on his back . His arm was beneath Libby and was numb . H is hand somehow had moved be neath her shirt and was currently clasping one rounded globe of her ba re bottom . Her skin was so soft and smooth . He allowed himself one slow, lingering caress over the silken globe before sliding his hand from beneath her shirt and removing it from her very sexy and firm derri è re . He withdrew his arm from beneath her , turned to face her, pulled her close and buried his face in her glorious hair.
    Just before dawn, Micah woke again . This time it was because Libby was on her side, her back to him . A s she did the night before, she snuggl ed her derri è re against his awakening erection . He smile d as she wiggled her firm little bottom against him again . He reached out and c aught that gorgeous bottom with his hands and held it still. When she thrust it back, fully against him, his hands moved to her hips to hold her stationary against him and keep his Lady’s derrière from tortu ring his hardening cock further.
    He fell asleep with a pleased grin upon h is face.
    Libby felt like eating a bit of porridge for breakfast. She ate a good portion , and d rank a little broth . S he managed to eat a small piece of bread . They each

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