Partners (Fire & Lies - One)
open and walks
in, striding past me like he owns the place, and stands in the
middle of the floor looking around at our Spartan
    “Not the kind
of place I imagined you living in.”
    “A lot has
changed,” I reply.
    “I can see
that. Interesting how the mighty fall.”
    I drop my
eyes, my hands rubbing together nervously in front of me, as I feel
rather exposed in my shirt and socks. I contemplate excusing myself
to change, but I don’t know if he’ll stay if I leave the room. So,
I stand, and I stare. Both of us silent as my eyes revisit every
beautiful line in his face and body. He hasn’t changed a bit over
the years. He’s still tall, lean and gorgeous, like a fighter in
peak condition. I could spend forever looking at him. Although,
Aiden obviously doesn’t feel the same way, as he’s the one who
breaks the silence and finally speaks. Ending what, I felt, was a
very enjoyable standoff.
    “Well, you
piqued my interest, and I’m here. Are you going to talk or are you
just going to stare at me with your mouth open all day?”
    My eyes go
wide and I clamp my jaw shut, an embarrassing heat flushing my
cheeks at my obvious indiscretion. I can’t believe it was
actually hanging open.
    I clear my
throat, wringing my hands together as I fight to find my words,
reminding myself that he’s here to talk about the job. He doesn’t
want me, like I want him. And I don’t blame him. If the roles were
reversed, I wouldn’t want me either. I find my voice, and gesture
toward the couch. “Take a seat, Aiden. There’s a lot you don’t


    TAKING A seat
on her worn couch, I watch her as she positions herself on the
chair across from me, being sure to keep her distance. I don’t
blame her after what happened between us last night. And I can’t
guarantee that it won’t happen again. I’m having a pretty fucked up
reaction to seeing her again. I’m trying to act as though I’m in
control but I’m feeling pretty messed up. I want her. I want her so
badly that the thought of burying myself cock-deep inside her is
the loudest thought in my mind. Except, I don’t want to be stupid.
If I’m this fucked up after three years, I know that another dose
of her would make me even crazier. I need to control myself around
her. I just don’t know how the fuck I’m going to do that when my
dick is aching just by being in the same room as her.
    Fuck. What is
it with this woman’s draw? She’s like a fucking tractor beam. I
shouldn’t even be here. My head is just so fucked right now. I
don’t even know my right from my left.
    Angry at
myself and my stupid mental ramblings, I growl at her. “Just spit
it out, Chloe. I didn’t come here for the view.”
    She nods,
taking a deep breath as she rubs her hands nervously over her
knees–fuck she’s beautiful. “I know. I’m just a little surprised
you turned up here.”
    “What can I
say? I’m a fucking bleeding heart, and I wanted to get this over
with. But me being here still doesn’t mean I’ll help you with
anything. It just means that I want to know what was so important
that you needed to go to such an effort to pop back into my life
after you forced your way in and then took off three years
    “I know you’re
angry with me, Aiden. What I did was…”
    “Fucked up?
Cowardly? Bitchy? Despicable?” She flinches, and I feel bad for
attacking her. But I’m finding control in anger and right now, I
need control.
    She holds her
hand up to stop me, her eyes closing painfully like my words are
actually hurting her. “I know, Aiden. I wasn’t honest with you, and
I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have led you on the way I did. I shouldn’t
have started something I knew I couldn’t finish.”
    I look at her,
still finding her the most beautiful woman in existence, and lean
forward, my elbows resting on my knees as I crack my knuckles and
let out a breath.
    “Let’s just
leave it be and get to the point of

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