On Deadly Ground (Dan & Chloe Book 2)

Free On Deadly Ground (Dan & Chloe Book 2) by Nathan L. Flamank

Book: On Deadly Ground (Dan & Chloe Book 2) by Nathan L. Flamank Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nathan L. Flamank
pulled the trigger twice in quick succession, one round buried itself in the door and the second passed through the space left by the partially open door. Dan heard Chloe’s yelp of surprise from the top of stairs, he hadn’t been concerned about hitting Chloe, and he knew that she wouldn’t have had time to get back down the stairs so she was in no danger.
    Dan nodded his head and then walked back to the fallen man and laid the gun back down in the dirt.
    He walked back to the porch and picked up his SigSauer, he raised his arm and pointed the gun in the general vicinity of where the man he had shot earlier had been standing and he squeezed off three shots.
    Dan didn’t want the Sheriff knowing that the dead man had been killed with Dan’s first shot, he didn’t want to raise the Sheriff’s suspicions any more than they were sure to already be.
    Dan turned back to the house just as Chloe stepped out on to the porch.
    ‘Great, toss me the clothes, then go back inside and call the Sheriff’s department.’
    Chloe threw Dan a pair of Levis and a dark blue ribbed t-shirt.
    ‘I thought it best to bring you a t-shirt, you’ll have gunshot residue up your arm.’
    ‘Damn baby, that’s quick thinking.’
    ‘Well I’m not just the best fuck you’ll ever have.’
    Chloe left him laughing and went to call the police department.
    Dan quickly pulled on the jeans and then carefully put on the t-shirt. He made sure not to let the shirt’s material touch his gun hand or forearm.
    Dan scanned the ground, he noted the spent cartridges, and the shotgun shells scattered around and nodded his head.
    ‘I think we might just pull this off.’
    Chloe came back out three minutes later and she picked her way carefully across to him. Dan looked at the black short-sleeved silk blouse that she was wearing and the black “ass-hugging” jeans that she had changed in to. He noted that the jeans had slightly flared bottoms and covered most of her high-heels.
    Chloe unbuttoned the front of her blouse revealing her naked breasts.
    ‘I didn’t have time to get dressed fully officer, we heard intruders in the stables and I just grabbed what was closest to hand.’
    Chloe grinned mischievously. ‘If they ask that’s what I’ll say, but unless they’re perverts they won’t ask. Truth of the matter is, I wanted you to have something to look at while we wait for the sound of sirens.’
    Dan slipped the SigSauer in to the front of his jeans and reached for Chloe. She stepped in to his embrace and pushed up on the very tips of her toes. She snaked her hands behind his head and pulled his face down to meet hers.
    Chloe forced her tongue between Dan’s lips and kissed him hard.
    The first patrol cars pulled in from the highway thirty minutes after Chloe had made the call. Soon there was a procession of emergency vehicles bouncing down the track with sirens wailing and blue lights flashing.
    ‘You have our story straight?’
    Chloe nodded her head, she gave Dan one last lingering look at her bare breasts and then she buttoned her blouse. She made sure to leave the top three buttons undone.
    As the first Sheriff’s vehicle pulled to a stop she smiled at Dan and said, ‘I nailed that fucker didn’t I?’
    Dan glanced at the body parts sprawled in the dirt and nodded his head.
    An hour later and the sun had slowly started to climb out from behind the mountains and the first rays of dawn started to spread across the paddock.
    Dan could see Weiser pawing at the ground with one front hoof; the horse was near the fence and as far as Weiser was concerned his early morning apple was late in being given.
    Dan turned back to Sheriff Lawson.
    ‘I’m sorry Sheriff, can you say that again, I didn’t quite catch that. I guess I’m still a little shaken up by the events of this

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