Loving Mondays

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Book: Loving Mondays by K.R. Wilburn Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.R. Wilburn
even if I had always steadfastly refused to tell her why.   Gran was good like that; she always took my side no matter what.   And where Luke and Monday were concerned, I couldn’t even begin to talk about what had happened that would make me cut them out so thoroughly that any mention of their names was strictly avoided.
       "So what do you think?"  
       "What do I think of what?" I growled at my seatmate, irritated to find that she was still talking.
       "Of dinner?   Or maybe we can just grab a few drinks if you like?   I can hold off going to see the family for a few days. I've been an awfully good girl this year and if you play your cards right, maybe I can sit on your lap and tell you what I want for Christmas."  
    Helen Keller could figure out what this girl wanted for Christmas and I could feel my patience waning.   Where the hell was that flight attendant?
      "Somehow I doubt you've ever been a good girl in your life.   I appreciate the offer but I'm going to pass. I'm not much for company right now."
    "Well, if you change your mind," she simpered, batting her overly made-up eyes at me, and scribbling a number on the damp piece of napkin that sat on my tray, "you just give me a call.   I'm sure I can put you in the holiday spirit."
    "I'll keep that in mind." I tucked the napkin in my pocket, thinking it would be rude to just toss it out in front of her and waved at the flight attendant when I finally caught her eye.  
        "What can I help you with, sir?" The flight attendant smiled as she approached.  
       "I need one of those little bottles of whiskey," I told her, pulling my wallet from my pocket.   If I was going down I might as well go down in flames. "And a couple more on standby."


    Time stood still on the ranch, as it always had.   While the rest of the world marched forward with progress, life in west Texas remained.   Turning the rental car down the long dirt road that led to my childhood home, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with the memories of growing up here.   Memories of Gran, of Luke and me running through the fields planning out the day's mischief, and memories of her.   Memories that I had spent the past four years running as hard as I could to get away from suddenly were drowning me.”
    I pulled up in front of the two-story yellow house that had been the only home I had ever known, lined with cheerily blinking lights and the same evergreen bough hanging from the from door that had been there every Christmas for longer than I had lived.   It looked so cheerful and welcoming, disguising the sad reason I was really home.   I turned the key in the ignition and clutched the steering wheel with both hands, knowing I needed to get out of the car and walk up those wide country steps, but unable to do so.   Regret and remorse welled up in my chest and lodged in my throat as I let my gaze sweep over the places that were burned into my memory.   Seeing Gran's wicker rocker empty cut to my core, and I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes to ward off the tears I could feel building.  
    "You just going to sit in that car all day or are you going to come inside?"
    I started at the sound and time froze.   Monday leaned down to the open window, her honey blond hair blowing lightly in the breeze, filling the air with the clean citrus scent that had haunted my dreams.   I hated that my body turned towards her instinctively, like a flower turning towards the sunshine.  
    "Come on inside, Cody," she said gently, her warm golden eyes filled with concern. "You must be exhausted.   I know how much you hate flying.   Let's get you inside and get you something warm to drink."
    I wanted to say something cutting, something so cruel that we would both remember that I hadn't forgiven her for running off with my best friend as soon as I left for college, but as soon as I turned to face her, the words died in my throat. I hadn't expected to feel my heart well up at the sight

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