Lethal Dose of Love

Free Lethal Dose of Love by Cindy Davis

Book: Lethal Dose of Love by Cindy Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Davis
Tags: Suspense,Small Town
hand to the other. “What if Sean finds out you haven’t told Edward what you paid?”
    “I don’t even want to think about that. God, I hate that man.”
    Claire sighed and let her eyes rove to the monkshood plant. Who would believe such a beauty could be so lethal? Behind the innocent façade beat the heart of a monster. Two-faced, that’s what it was. Just like people. You never knew what was behind their smiling faces. There was a song about smiling faces. Who sang it? Some group from back in the 80’s. Claire couldn’t think who it was. She slapped her thigh. She should be able to recall such things.
    What if, instead of buying the plant, she plucked off the necessary number of leaves? Surely no one would notice missing leaves. Even the sap was poisonous. If she got any on her skin…
    She picked up the pot and went inside.
    “Claire!” Payton said. “I didn’t know you were here.”
    “I’ve been sitting on your comfy patio furniture. Almost took myself a nap.”
    “Ready for the yacht race?”
    “My stopwatch is all polished. I hope the weather holds.”
    “I’ve been watching the forecast very closely. They said it might rain tomorrow morning for a while.”
    “It wouldn’t dare. Are you sailing with Helen and Carter?”
    “Just for a couple of practice races. The extra weight will slow them down, so I don’t want to be a hindrance. Carter said it didn’t matter, but still…”
    “Are you buying Aden’s boat?”
    “Yes, well, I am thinking about buying Zephyr . If I can find a partner, that is. Are these yours?” She gestured at the plants on the counter.
    “Yes. And this, too.” Claire set down the monkshood.
    “Did you read the tag? Aconitum napella is quite poisonous.”
    Claire perched a frown between her eyes and backed a step away from the counter, feigning fear. “Really?”
    Payton laughed. “If you don’t have children, cats or dogs, it won’t be any trouble.”
    “I don’t like pets. They make too much mess.”
    “I like pets. One of these days I’ll get a dog or a cat. Maybe two.” She pointed at the monkshood. “I’ve sold quite a number of these little fellows. As a matter of fact, Felicia and Amanda each just bought one.”
    “Really?” Was the delight in her voice noticeable? She quickly hid the elation behind a giggle. “Sorry, I’m having a hard time picturing Felicia with a plant. I can’t imagine her putting her hands in dirt.”
    Payton giggled. “She’s got a gardener. What are you bringing to the potluck before the race?”
    “I haven’t decided yet.”
    “I’m making a tossed salad. I can’t mess that up too badly.”
    This was the second time Payton lamented her cooking skills. Claire felt a little dread about tomorrow’s dinner invitation.
    “Felicia’s bringing ham salad sandwiches,” Payton said. “Amanda’s decided not to make her famous macaroons, she’s doing chocolate cake instead. She’s using the recipe from The Galley’s cookbook.”
    This was a terrible turn of events. When Sean died from chocolate cake poisoning Amanda would be the first suspect.
    The door opened and Sylvie stepped inside, turning in two circles before stopping in front of the counter. “Nice shop,” she announced. She looked past Claire to Payton. “It’s my sister’s birthday. I thought a plant might be a perfect gift.”
    “Does she have plants now?”
    “Her husband calls their house a botanical garden.”
    “Good, that gives us a place to start. Come with me.”
    Not knowing exactly why, Claire followed them to the patio. Payton picked up a magnificent bird of paradise. “What about this?”
    “Is it easy to grow?”
    Payton wiggled her hand in the air to indicate a medium range. “If she’s a plant person, it will be easy for her.”
    “What’s this?” Sylvie pointed to an overhead shelf where bright flowers wiggled in the breeze. There was another monkshood, bigger than the one Claire was buying, with larger, more fully developed

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