A Love So Dark (The Dark Regency Series Book 4)

Free A Love So Dark (The Dark Regency Series Book 4) by Chasity Bowlin

Book: A Love So Dark (The Dark Regency Series Book 4) by Chasity Bowlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chasity Bowlin
been kind enough to let me remain here!”
    She sounded ridiculously jovial about the passing of her husband rather than grief stricken. Commenting on that would only antagonize the woman or create an ugly scene, Olympia opted for diplomacy, though it pained her to do so. “I see. It is very kind of him. And I’m terribly sorry for your loss.”
    The woman waved a hand dismissively. Her smile might have been lovely, had her eyes not been utterly devoid of any warmth. “Dear Roger. A lovely man when we met… but not at all well. Griffin is very like him, I think. In many ways. Alas, most of the Darke men are not long for this world.”
    It wasn’t precisely a threat, but it was near enough that Olympia was quite uncomfortable. “He appears to be the picture of health.”
    At that, the other woman laughed snidely. “And so they all do… until they don’t. Many people in this family suffer a peculiar type of sickness. It occurs very suddenly, but I am unaware of anyone ever recovering from it.”
    “Again, I can but offer my condolences to you,” Olympia repeated, uncertain of anything else to say. The woman appeared gleeful at the demise of her own husband and stepsons. She was positively aglow at the notion that a similar affliction might befall Olympia’s own husband. And yet she remained at Darkwood Hall on his charity, which, based upon the cut of the woman’s gown, was remarkably generous.
    “I’m still quite young and not unattractive yet,” she offered with a smile. “If circumstances demand it, I might consider taking another husband. You certainly set yourself up very well! No title, no fortune… and while you’re an attractive enough girl, your looks aren’t exactly the fashion right now, are they? And yet you snagged a well-heeled gentleman with a title!”
    “I snagged no one,” Olympia retorted, unable to tolerate the false joviality a moment longer. Wrapping a barb in a thin veil of silk did not make it less sharp. “An offer was made and Mr. Swindon assured me that I met all the requirements of Lord Darke.”
    “Yes,” Florence said, hissing the word between her teeth. “A plain, long in the tooth, unappealing spinster that he would never be tempted to bed… I can certainly see where Mr. Swindon might have attributed such damning traits to you.”
    The words cut like jagged shards of glass, burrowing beneath the skin and promising more discomfort to come. Had her husband expressed to his aunt that an unappealing wife was his wish? Or had the woman simply eavesdropped? Or had Mrs. Webster provided that bit of insight? Olympia didn’t want to make accusations against anyone and she didn’t know Griffin well enough to defend him. But she certainly had a well formed opinion of the woman before her.
    Looking down at the embroidery in her lap, Olympia replied, “I believe I will retire for a bit. I’ve shed enough blood at the end of my own needle… I won’t be bearing the brunt of yours any longer.”
    Florence giggled again. “Don’t run off on my account.”
    Olympia looked squarely at her when she spoke as calmly and confidently as she could. “I’ve no wish to cross swords with you, nor do I wish to engage in some endless battle where we are constantly clawing at one another through the veil of polite conversation. I’ve greeted you as is my duty. Now we shall endeavor to avoid one another as best as possible… Good afternoon, Lady Florence.”
    “What possessed you to accept an offer of marriage from a man you’d never met?”
    Olympia paused, her steps faltering. The question had been posed thoughtfully. It wasn’t idle curiosity at all, but a woman fishing for the truth. “My aunt and uncle were less than generous,” she said, which was certainly the truth. “I was tired of living as a servant in a home where I had once been the exalted daughter.” It was technically the truth as well. If she’d left out the fact that she’d done grave injury to her uncle when he

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