Reagan Hawk

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Book: Reagan Hawk by Space Pirates' Bounty [Strength in Numbers 2] Read Free Book Online
Authors: Space Pirates' Bounty [Strength in Numbers 2]
elements. Their love of public crucifixions wasn’t exaggerated.
    “ At least I’ll keep my hands if I’m caught,” Raider said, his attempt at humor falling flat. “Unlike what Planet Tresilian would do to a thief.”
    Galwin laughed. Ewan didn ’t. Instead, Ewan sat in the co-pilot’s seat. “Send one of us. Stay. This is a fool’s errand and you well know it. This Ahenobarbus tale is most likely a trap. No man is that rich on Emprom without being a bloodthirsty tyrant—one who will see a plan such as this coming a light-year away.”
    Galwin snor ted. “Emprom is full of wealthy, glutinous pigs. Let us pray they are too busy counting their gold to take note of us and this scheme.”
    “ I pray the tides turn upon them,” Ewan said, disgust in his voice.
    Raider reached over and touched Ewan ’s armrest. He met his longtime friend’s gaze. “Your distaste of nobles and the rich is noted.”
    “ You know what I mean,” Ewan muttered, refusing to look at him. “We have more than enough credits and gold as is. Let this one pass. Emprom’s riches are not worth your life.”
    “ Two weeks and it is done,” Raider stated clearly. “I’ll get in, be hired on and learn all I can about his guard detail, then empty his coffers. We are richer, he is poorer, and we can funnel the money to those on the Waysoni Moon who need it more.”
    Ewan sn orted. “And you’re sure this background your contact gave you will hold? What if this Ahenobarbus looks too deep into your invented history and backstory? What then? Think it will be too difficult for him to find out you are not Emprom born? That you have never actually served in Emprom’s military or ever worked for anyone in Emprom, let alone high-borns?”
    With an amused shrug, Raider smiled. “ If the fake papers do not work, then I fight my way clear and leave with his head on the end of my sword.”
    Galwin l ifted his fist in the air. “May the gods deem it so!”
    Ewan cracked a half smile, his hand moving over Raider ’s. The men shared a look, one that spoke volumes without any actual words being said. They were friends, yet something more hung in the air between them.
    Baton, the only member of the crew from Earth, entered the flight deck and glanced around. “ Are we discussing leave time? My dick needs tended to and Emprom is full of whorehouses that would handle that very thing and more. I’ll even pay extra for a pretty one.”
    Galwin laughed harder. “ Learned your lesson after the last one, huh?”
    Baton grabbed his clothed crotch. “ The injections to cure the ailment that hussy gave me were not worth the five minutes with her.”
    All the men laughed.
    “I told you to avoid the ones who discount to near free,” Ewan said cheerfully. “The coin is well spent in certain areas and sex is one of them. Do not skimp or your cock could fall off. Plus, the prices the medical stations around this galaxy charge are far, far more than what the high-end whores ask for.”
    “ Take leave while I am there,” Raider said to his men. “Tell the others they can as well. Have them drink and fuck their fill, then be ready for me in two weeks’ time.”
    “ What of your needs?” Ewan demanded, his mouth downturned, his posture rigid. The jovial mood among the crew ended quickly. “Going to see to those as well?”
    “ Oh shit,” said Galwin before he and Baton moved towards the back of the flight deck, growing quiet. They busied themselves with work that had already been done. Raider knew it was to give him and Ewan alone time.
    Raider shifted uncomfortably in the captain ’s chair. He wasn’t one to back down from anything, but in this moment he felt guilt deep into his soul. He couldn’t give Ewan what he sought. Raider wanted more. He craved women like the air he breathed. He could not give them up and he strongly suspected that Ewan couldn’t either. That what had happened between them, while certainly pleasing, was not something that

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