New Encounters

Free New Encounters by Helena Smith

Book: New Encounters by Helena Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helena Smith
This weekend we are going away.’
    ‘I never asked you in. I thought you had finished your business stuff.’
    ‘I had... but I was interrupted.’
    ‘By what?’
    ‘Like you have to ask Bella?’ With that I realise that the interruption was me. I’m shocked by this revelation as I am with everything about Robert. Before I have chance to quiz him, he interrupts my thought train.
‘I will be picking you up on Friday at midday. Pack enough to go away for the weekend.’
    ‘What kind of clothes’
    ‘Your so funny Bella. Always so organised and needing to know. We will be going out for dinner..... or maybe we might just need room service. So actually..... pack little.’ With that he kisses me again and my heart rate exceeds any kind of legal limit. I try not to skip to the door so I don’t embarrass myself. I also resist turning around, and it’s so difficult. I know he is still sitting in the car, still watching. As I get in the front door, I turn around to close the door and he is there.... watching me. I just give him my cheekiest smile and close the door and take a deep breath.
    After explaining myself to Ash, she is about as blinded as I am by Robert. I tell her what Sarah thinks about him being controlling. I also ask Ash does she not find it extreme that he has flown all the way back from wherever he is to turn up at the restaurant. Ash waves this off with a mere and simple explanation of
    ‘Well....  he has explained that he has trust issues.’
    Serious trust issues if thats anything to go by. My phone beeps and I pull it out and see a text from Sarah.
    *Make sure he treats you right. Seems like he has major control issues. Look after yourself. See you soon and call me if you need me*
    Christ she sounds worried. Is it really that bad? Oh I don’t know, Ash is completely in love with him and Sarah sounds like she hates him.
    *Don’t worry Sarah, I will stand my ground with him. See you soon. x*
    CHAPTER 12
    Much to my relief the last half of the week flies by. Before I know it, it’s Friday and I am getting ready for when Robert calls at his usual prompt time. I have packed everything, I think. Then I think sod it, if I have forgotten something there is shops everywhere unless he is taking me to somewhere random like the Antarctic. Oh god I shouldn’t even joke. I have packed my most sauciest underwear. There is no way I am taking no for an answer. It has been a long time, and I am going all out now, on the full charm offensive. I have been fake tanned, so I look bronzed. I have barely eaten this week through sheer excitement. At least it has taken off a few pounds on the old waistline. I am waxed to a near inch of my life. To the point where I was worried about how intimate the beautician was prepared to get.
    I hear the doorbell, and as I go downstairs and open the front door...Robert is stood there with a frown on his face.
    ‘What’s up?’
    ‘I told you, you must check the peephole, then put the chain on the door and open it to check who it is. Okay?’
    ‘Yeah yeah, minor details. Come in’
    ‘Bella, these are not minor details. Please, just do this for me.’
    ‘okay, I just forgot because I was busy packing’. Trying to pacify him, and hope that this will do the trick which it seems to. He pulls me into his arms and kisses me and holds me. I could be held like this forever. But I must not go all Mills and Boon.... I must stay strong. My mantra all day is that I am a Strong sexy woman. I give him a rundown of what I have packed to check that I have everything for wherever he is taking me. He assures me that I have everything and runs up to my room with me to get my things. He is out of my room before I get in it.
‘Bella I can’t be in your bedroom with you, we need to set off.’
    ‘I don’t understand what do you mean?’ I

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