Obsidian Souls (Soul Series)

Free Obsidian Souls (Soul Series) by Donna Augustine

Book: Obsidian Souls (Soul Series) by Donna Augustine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Augustine

    Chapter Ten
                  It was eleven forty-five p.m. as I sat staring at the clock on my phone. I pressed his name but hung up before it went through. Nope, I wasn’t calling. I’d sit here all night if need be. Maybe, he had nothing to show me, and he was just stalling. Maybe he was as crazy as Carl. How could I even really know? Yes, he hadn’t attacked me, but who knew what plans he was making. I didn’t know anything about him.
    Where else could I go? I was afraid of Amanda’s connection to Carl through Mark, and I’d rather die than possibly bring this sort of trouble near my family. I didn’t feel like I had any choices. I was going to have to ride this out and see where it took me.
                  Pushing the troubling thoughts from my mind, I lounged on the couch in my new tight black jeans and a snug black sweater, as I flipped through the channels. I found a repeat of “Through the Wormhole” with Morgan Freeman that I’d never seen. I wonder what normal people were doing right now? They were probably sleeping already. In my regular life, on a week night, I would have been.
                  I missed the mundane day-to-day life already. It was surprising how much I missed the predictability of my life that I had taken for granted, and even sometimes resented. I was starting to think of those adrenaline junkies and wondered how they could stand it. It was like going on a roller coaster ride. It was thrilling at first, but too many back to back and you’re hanging over the garbage can, whining for your mother.
                  A shadow passed over me, and I looked up from my position to see Caden looming above. It was a bit startling.
                  “How do you move so quietly? It totally freaks me out. Can’t you make some more noise? It’s very unsettling. ”
                  I’m not sure how he managed to smile and look so sarcastic at the same time, but he did.
                  “You ready?”
                  “Am I?”
                  “No. Probably not.”
                  Well, at least we were being honest and straightforward tonight. I guess that’s a good start. He had changed as well, no longer in his faded jeans and t-shirt. He was now in black from head to toe.
                  “This might be intense for you,” he said, clearly trying to prepare me somewhat.
                  “I can’t imagine what you are going to be able to show me that is going to make me doubt my own humanity, but let’s go.”              
                  I saw him looking me up and down, his eyes seeming to pause over certain areas, before saying, “I know it’s going to be cold for you, but we are going to have to take the bike. There aren’t any roads where we are going.”
                  “I’ll manage,” I said as I followed him upstairs. I could hear the music pumping from the bar as we exited through a back door.
                  Sitting in the alley waiting for us was a Harley Davidson Motorcycle in complete black. Even the chrome was blacked out, and not a shiny black, but a matte that would fade into the night, not even throwing off a reflection of a street light.
                  He gave me a helmet even though he went without. I got on behind him, trying to keep some space in between us, but he grabbed my hands and moved them around his sides and into his jacket pockets. It felt strangely intimate to have my arms encircling him.
                  We took off, swerving in and out of traffic at a break neck pace, and I squeezed my eyes tightly shut. All thought’s of keeping my distance fled as my arms circled tight against him and my face pressed into his back. His body was giving off so much

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