Icarians: Poisoned Dreams

Free Icarians: Poisoned Dreams by Vanessa Mock, Jessie Reinking

Book: Icarians: Poisoned Dreams by Vanessa Mock, Jessie Reinking Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vanessa Mock, Jessie Reinking
give you my cell number in case you think of something." She laid the key down on the counter and next to it she laid her cell number.
    After Analeigh left, Pearl stood looking at the key. That poor child had no idea what this key meant for so many people and now it lay on the counter in her shop.
Fear prickled her spine as she scooped up the key with a piece of cardboard. Even with the cardboard she could feel the magic burning through to her skin. If certain Icarian's found out she had it, she and a lot of other people would surely die. She had to hide it and she had to think quickly.
Analeigh left the shop and walked across the street to the grocery store to pick up a few items. She had a strange feeling so she looked around in time to see a figure move swiftly behind a building. She rubbed the gooseflesh that rose on her arms. I'm tired that’s all, she tried to convince herself. Still she wanted to hurry and get home long before dark. Analeigh hurried through the store and got her items, paid for them and left.
    As she was driving back home she noticed a black car following her. She made a left and so did the car. Analeigh felt like crying, then she had an idea. She quickly made a right and went back the way she came. The car was still in pursuit of her. She felt relief when she saw her destination, Ravenwood County Police Department. Analeigh pulled in and waited in her car. The car sped away quickly down the street. Satisfied she turned her car back toward her house and hurried home. What the hell is going on? She thought to herself. What did they want from her? She needed to get a security alarm installed and fast.
    Jaxon arrived at Analeigh’s house just as the sun set. He walked to where he left Dean in the woods. Dean was there waiting for him.
"Anything to report?"
"No nothing. She arrived home about an hour ago."
"Good. Before you leave get close to the house and do a quick scan."
"No problem." Dean said. Before he walked out of the woods he went invisible. Jaxon waited for him to return.
"She’s on the downstairs sofa reading a book. Everything looks secure." Dean reported.
"Ok great. Thanks a lot. You can go on home now, I'll call you if I need you." Jaxon dismissed him.

Chapter 9
    Mercedes arrived the next morning to pick Analeigh up. When Analeigh answered the door she looked very tired, nothing like the vibrant energetic girl Mercedes met almost a week ago. Guilt ran through Mercedes as she greeted her. She felt bad for Analeigh and what she was going through. She knew it was only going to get worse.
"Are you all ready to go?"
"Yes, is Jaxon at his shop? I was going to see if he could do something for my car."
"Yeah I think he is, you want to drop it off on our way?" She answered her and snuck a glance to were Jaxon was watching in the woods near by.
"That would be great. I will have to rent a car sometime today. I don't want to be out here without a car." Analeigh said on the way to her car. Mercedes knew Jaxon was already on his way to his shop.
"I don't blame you for that. I'm sure Jaxon will have one you can borrow until yours is fixed."
"Oh no I couldn't ask him to do that, he has helped me out so much he must be wearing thin."
"Not at all, I know for a fact that he doesn't mind. I will follow you to the shop."
As Analeigh drove to Jaxon's shop she felt like a bundle of nerves. She hadn't slept hardly at all the last two nights. Now she felt a little excitement knowing she was about to see Jaxon. When they arrived Jaxon stepped out of his shop. He must have just showered because his hair was damp and as she got closer she could smell his after shave.
"You guys fixing to head out?" Jaxon asked as his eyes locked on hers.
"Yeah, I was wondering if you could take a look at my car, see if you could fix the paint."
"Sure, leave it here and I will start on it first thing in the morning."
"Thank you that would be great." Analeigh told him feeling a little uncomfortable under his intense gaze.
"She will

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