Seduce Me

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Book: Seduce Me by Miranda Forbes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miranda Forbes
    â€˜There was a boy called Simon, from Chester,’ she said.
    â€˜And how far did you go with Simon?’
    Adrian eased the front of her dress lower. He put his hand inside and began stroking one breast, then the other.
    â€˜This far?’
    â€˜Well, mm, yes,’ said Mirabelle, and she stretched herself out so her nipples came out of the top of her dress.
    â€˜What about this?’ he said and bent over her. He began lapping slowly at a nipple.
    â€˜Mm. Yes, but, mm, not quite like that. More sort of – well – more urgent.’
    His tongue pressed harder.
    â€˜Oh yes,’ said Mirabelle. ‘Just like that.’
    She arched her back, feeling her cunt give the first squeeze of excitement. She wanted more.
    â€˜The other thing he did, was – he got me to touch his cock.’
    â€˜No!’ said Adrian between licks.
    â€˜And he fingered me.’
    Adrian gasped.
    A dirty thought occurred to her. She looked round for the gas lantern. It was turned up bright but it was hanging near the tent door. Totally the wrong position.
    Then the music shot up again and the bass shook the ground, making everything buzz. His head came away from her tits.
    â€˜Oh for fuck’s sake!’
    â€˜So I got my hand,’ she said quickly, almost having to shout. ‘Like this.’
    She stroked the front of his jeans. There was some blood in his dick but it wasn’t fully hard, like she’d expected it to be.
    â€˜And he did this.’
    She took his hand and pushed it up under her hem and between her legs, where the juice had seeped through her knickers. But the hand was lifeless, completely forgotten by him.
    â€˜It’s fucking intolerable! I don’t see why we’re putting up with this.’
    Mirabelle sat up and sighed heavily.
    â€˜So what are you going to do, confront them? You say a word, they’ll just be ten times worse.’
    â€˜I’m going to talk to Kenwald. Right now.’
    â€˜No, you’re not. I need you!’ she said, hearing the desperation in her voice and hating it.
    â€˜I’m sorry, darling. I can’t concentrate. It’s no use.’
    He unzipped the tent and walked out. Mirabelle was outraged. She scrambled after him, pulling her straps back up.
    â€˜Adrian, get back here!’
    â€˜I’ll just be a minute,’ he called, disappearing into the dark.
    â€˜Bastard! If he thinks I’m following,’ she said, and suddenly she became aware that it was very quiet. The music had stopped.
    The boys were sitting round their fire, all staring at her. Wide-eyed, curious boys.
    The rage inside her was unbearable. She saw the skinny boy on his feet not far from the tree. He looked like the rest of them, part defiant, part uncertain.
    She had to do something.
    She ducked back inside the tent, grabbing the gas lantern.
    â€˜So, you want to wank?’ she said, putting it on the ground and throwing her dress off. She faced the side of the tent.
    â€˜I’ll give you boys something to think about.’
    She took her knickers down, sticking her arse out, and turned to the side so they could see her profile and her high tits. She massaged her boobs, one in each hand, and then she bent her head and stuck her tongue right out, circling a nipple. It felt so good and she moaned, quite unable to believe how outrageous she was being. Then she switched sides, turning round so they could see her licking herself.
    She heard a nervous giggle, some urgent whispering, then more silence. She could picture them, dumbstruck, their shorts straining at the front, hands straying down.
    Now she touched herself between her legs. She was wet all down her inner thighs. Her clit stuck right out of her lips, hungry and so big. She fingered herself, still holding one tit up to her tongue with her other hand, and she wondered how she could show them what she was doing to her cunt. She held her hand clear from her body and just used

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