Seduce Me

Free Seduce Me by Miranda Forbes

Book: Seduce Me by Miranda Forbes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miranda Forbes
in-jokes of some kind.
    She wondered how many of them were still virgins.
    Adrian said, ‘If they give you any trouble I’ll geld the little fuckers.’
    While Mirabelle had been on the beach Adrian had made sandwiches for lunch, so they sat outside at their folding table to eat. He said that they should just try to ignore the boys as much as possible. But there wasn’t much else round there to watch, so he and Mirabelle ended up doing a running commentary on the boys’ antics.
    â€˜If they don’t eat some solid food soon they’re going to be sick as hell,’ said Adrian.
    â€˜It’d be much better if they used the camp toilets instead of going behind that tree all the time,’ said Mirabelle. ‘It’s going to stink of wee round here before long.’
    Adrian snorted.
    â€˜They’re doing a lot worse than weeing, mark my words.’
    â€˜What do you mean?’
    â€˜Come on Mirabelle. Boys that age? They’ve got no control over themselves. All they think about is getting the poison out.’
    â€˜You mean they’re masturbating?’
    â€˜They’re teenage boys. Of course they’re masturbating. There’ll be semen all over the place back there, believe me.’
    Spunk like tree-sap. Mirabelle’s eyes grew wide.
    In the afternoon she and Adrian went down to the beach. As they sunbathed side by side, she found she kept daydreaming about the boys. She wondered what they were thinking about, when they were behind the tree, to get themselves off. They were so young, she could hardly imagine they’d had time to develop really corrupt fantasies. Would a nice pair of tits be enough for them? But there was so much porn available on the internet and suchlike these days that she supposed it was quite possible for a young boy to become a seasoned, jaded pervert before he’d so much as sniffed an actual woman’s crotch.
    That one boy in particular. If he was still a virgin, it was almost a crime. He looked as though he knew exactly what he’d do, given the chance. He’d done his research, he’d know where her clit would be, how to touch it, how to build pressure and friction. Perhaps he’d come quickly but his cock would be stiff again almost straight away. And he’d drink in every moment, every moan she gave, so he could learn everything about her response. God, what a treat that would be.
    Later on, back at the tent, she rolled on to her side to face Adrian and said, ‘Actually, they remind me of myself at that age. Me and the girls. Did I ever tell you we went on holiday together to celebrate finishing our GCSEs?’
    â€˜The Gower, wasn’t it?’ said Adrian.
    He was sitting on the edge of the airbed, sorting the cutlery back into the roll-up case. Outside, the boys were playing dance music. They kept fiddling with the volume, so it would be almost silent, then suddenly flare up intrusively, then die back again. Occasionally they’d stop it mid-track and put something else on. It was difficult to ignore.
    â€˜That’s right, Three Cliffs Bay,’ she said when it was quiet enough. ‘Beth’s granny let us have her static caravan.’
    â€˜Were you a bunch of annoying bastard hooligans, then?’
    â€˜We were supposed to be there a week but we got thrown off after four days.’
    â€˜Really? I don’t remember that bit. What did you get up to, you naughty girls?’
    An explosion of laddish laughter came from outside. One of them shouted, ‘Not again Boycey, you fucking minger!’
    â€˜The usual,’ she said. ‘Drinking, smoking, singing. Having boys back.’
    â€˜Boys, what boys? Did you fuck anyone?’
    â€˜No. Some of the others did.’
    â€˜So what did you do, then?’
    He came and lay down next to her. His face was very close to hers and he began to pull at her dress straps.
    â€˜C’mon, spill,’ he said into her

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