Moon Princess

Free Moon Princess by Barbara Laban

Book: Moon Princess by Barbara Laban Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Laban
smiled at her. ‘Well, I have a littletime, so I can show you the temple if you like? My name is Hong Yi.’
    Sienna nodded her agreement and they walked on through the crowds together. ‘Why are there so many people here?’ she asked Hong Yi.
    â€˜It’s the holidays,’ replied Hong Yi. ‘But this is not “many”. Especially when one considers the significance of this temple. Many more will flock here for the Moon Festival, in two days’ time.’
    They were now standing at the entrance to the main hall and Sienna, like the monk, took her shoes off before going in. Several golden Buddha statues stood before them.
    â€˜The temple is almost two thousand years old,’ Hong Yi began. ‘Although it has been destroyed and rebuilt several times over, the ground on which it stands is of great historical significance. Especially the well at the centre of the courtyard where I met you; that well has remained untouched for centuries.’
    Hong Yi turned to a statue of a woman standing on the back of a dragon. Sienna looked thoughtfully at the golden figure. The statue seemed familiar to her.
    â€˜Do you know who that is?’ asked Hong Yi. Sienna couldn’t make out his features in the dim light of the hall. Only his glasses glinted on his face.
    â€˜I’m not sure, she looks like a princess,’ replied Sienna.
    â€˜This is Guanyin,’ explained Hong Yi. ‘All Buddhists in China worship her, for she is the goddess of mercy. She helps people in need. Here, in this sacred place, Guanyin first revealed herself as a goddess in human form. But you are right. She was born as a princess and sacrificed everything for her faith.’
    All at once Sienna saw the resemblance. The picture that Feng had given to her in the restaurant, back in Shanghai, was a picture of a statue of Guanyin!
    Hong Yi gave her a thoughtful look. ‘I assumed you would know more about the temple. Didn’t your mother ever tell you anything about it?’
    Sienna was taken aback. ‘You know my mother? And how did you know I was her daughter?’
    Hong Yi gave a sad smile. ‘You look just likeher. And I knew your mother well. Her work was very important for the temple. It is a tragedy for us all that she is no longer here. I’m very sorry.’
    Sienna swallowed.
    Just then, she felt a tickling feeling in her ear. The white hare wanted to tell her something – she glanced at him, perching on her shoulder, and saw his pink nose twitching towards the left. Sienna turned and saw a very old man in a monk’s habit shuffling across the inner courtyard.
    â€˜Come. I’ll show you the rest of the temple,’ the monk said softly.
    Sienna followed Hong Yi back out into the courtyard, skirting round the well, her eyes meeting the old man’s as he passed. He hesitated for a moment and then slowly approached. Hong Yi stopped and bowed before the older monk.
    The old monk was bald, but his eyebrows were snow-white and his smile was kind. Sienna could see great sorrow and compassion in his face. He reached out and clasped her hand between his, his skin dry and warm. Sienna noticed a sprinkling of pure white dust on his fingers, which felt oddly rough and calloused for the hands of a monk.
    He began to speak in a deep and soulful voice. At first Sienna couldn’t understand much, but gradually the tickling feeling in her ear grew stronger as Bai tuzi translated.
    â€˜My name is Sun. It is such a pleasure to see you here,’ said the old monk. ‘It fills me with joy, and great pain too. Your mother was a very special lady. I wish I could ease your anguish.’
    â€˜Thank you,’ said Sienna quietly.
    Sun glanced over his shoulder, as if wary of the time. ‘I must leave – I have important work to do and I should not leave my duties. It was my pleasure to make your acquaintance. I haven’t given up hope that we will see your mother again,

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