Memories of Gold

Free Memories of Gold by Ali Olson

Book: Memories of Gold by Ali Olson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ali Olson
her in a gale of mirth.
    When he hugged her, she had wanted to press closer and feel his lips on hers, but she knew that she had to keep her distance for the moment, keep things appropriate until everything was sorted out, whatever that meant. So instead of falling back into his arms, of surrounding herself with his body, his warm comforting smell, she leaned away and held herself together. Barely.
    “I’m sorry,” she said, “I must be quite tired. I am better now, though.”
    Jimmy looked at her, and she wondered if he would question her explanation, but he only gazed for a few moments, then nodded.
    She turned the conversation to light topics and they continued to discuss the past and their current lives. Mary avoided any topic that might introduce the subject of her profession in any way. She had no desire to lie to him, but she was not ready to tell the truth, either. Not yet. He was too important to her, and how would he react? No, she couldn’t do that.
    She told him about her reading lessons, and he eagerly discussed a few of the books he had also read. Apparently he had been able to get some schooling at one of the camps his family stayed at, and had taken to reading as well. They discussed Jane Eyre, and how difficult life had been for the undeserving Jane. The spark in his eyes as he listened to her, as if everything she said was important, spread warmth through her stomach.
    When she told him that she was learning French, he grinned at her in amazement. “That’s astonishing, Maria! Say something to me in French!”
    Without thinking, she said, “Je t’aime.” I love you. She couldn’t help herself. She never believed one could find love in an instant, but here it was.
    Then again, it was more than that, she knew. It was love created and held hidden away for years. He had been the missing part of her life, and now that he was back, he made her feel complete. Her heart yearned for him, her body wanted him, and she knew that curling up with his arms around her would be more than she could ever hope for without him.
    “That is beautiful. What does it mean?”
    She was suddenly awkward. She had not planned to say that, and was not prepared to face the repercussions if he felt differently. And how could he? They had only reunited a short time ago, after so many years. She decided on a safe response that wasn’t a lie, though she hoped he would take it as the translation. “I am happy you’re here.”
    He smiled at her, content. “Well, je t’aime.”
    Even though she knew he misunderstood the meaning of the phrase, it still gave her a thrill to hear him repeat it. She looked out over the landscape, soaking in the beauty and wonder of the day. She felt truly alive for the first time in a very long while.

Chapter 5
    It was afternoon when they left their spot and wandered back to town. Jimmy was sure Maria was exhausted, and had offered to leave earlier, but she insisted on staying. She dismissed his concern with a simple explanation: “It is too beautiful a day and too wonderful a companion to miss for something as trivial as sleep.”
    Although she blushed a moment afterward and changed the topic, seemingly embarrassed by her sentiment, the words nestled into his heart.
    As the town grew and they neared its edge, he found himself evaluating his reaction to Maria. He was surprised at the strength of his feelings for her. He had never been with a girl and felt so right, so whole. Then again, he knew it should not have astonished him at all. After all, this wasn’t some girl. It was Maria.
    She had always held a place in his heart, even over the long years apart, and now that he’d found her again, the space for her had grown and taken control, and he was happy. If only he could be sure she felt the same without risking their friendship to discover it.
    Jimmy let the idea drift to the back of his mind. It was something to think on later, not now. Now, as they walked into Shasta and were about to

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