CHAINED: A Motorcycle Club Romance

Free CHAINED: A Motorcycle Club Romance by Samantha Westlake

Book: CHAINED: A Motorcycle Club Romance by Samantha Westlake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Westlake
towards the horizon, Cain's house was quickly growing more popular.
    More than a dozen motorcycles were already pulled up and parked in the fields around his house, the ground already marked with ruts from where they'd been parked on previous occasions. Most of the lights in the house were turned on, and any observer standing outside wouldn't be able to miss the occasional shouts and cheers of merriment.
    The new prospects weren't due to arrive until sunset, but the members of the Iron Skulls didn't give a fuck about showing up fashionably late to a party. As far as they were concerned, they were the party, and it started whenever they chose to arrive.
    A couple Iron Skulls had pulled up in a pickup truck, big grins on their faces and the truck's bed filled with four kegs of beer and a couple cases of various hard alcohols. Cain had stepped up and lent them a hand with unloading, the muscles in his arms and chest standing out as he helped lift down the heavy kegs. Most of the alcohol had been toted inside the house, distributed out across the various rooms, although one keg remained up on the front porch to greet new arrivals.
    And as promised, Cheery sent out the call to her wide network of female acquaintances. Cain still wasn't positive how the woman accomplished it, but the common areas of his house were now filled with sexy, alluring women, many of them wearing little more than bikini tops and tiny jean shorts on their young, nubile bodies.
    Standing on his front porch, he caught the rumble of more approaching choppers. He watched as they pulled into his driveway and found spots in the field to park, occasionally sipping from a red cup of beer freshly pulled from the keg beside him.
    The men in charge of the beer run had done a good job, he reflected as he lifted the cup up to his lips again. This was a good bit better than the usual cheap shit that they often bought - although by the end of the party, not a single man would be able to tell the difference.
    "Woohoo, party!" Tommy called out, as he strode up towards the front door. Cain wasn't sure of the name of the Skull beside him, but he recognized the other man as another junior member. Seth, perhaps?
    "How do things look inside, Cain?" Tommy asked, as he and Seth climbed up the front stairs of the porch. "Got some action going on yet?"
    Perhaps the first cup of beer, now settling in Cain's stomach, was warming him up. "Take a look for yourselves," he replied, feeling an uncharacteristic grin spread across his face as he nodded in towards the open front door.
    The gasps that came from both Tommy and Seth's lips were music to his ears.
    "Hey, big boys," called out one girl, perched one of the living room couches inside that offered a view of the front door. She uncrossed and recrossed her long, bare legs as they stretched out in front of her, resting on the coffee table in front of the couch. "Wanna come have a drink with us?"
    Tommy and Seth didn't even exchange glances. "Hell yes," they both chorused in unison, dashing inside to plop down on the couch alongside the young woman. Tommy beat Seth to the seat, but as soon as they entered, two other girls appeared around the corner, both of them grinning as they draped their curvaceous bodies over the young bikers.
    Still smiling, Cain returned his gaze back to watching as the sun settled down towards the distant treetops. If the boys weren't careful, they'd end up passing out from drunkenness and exhaustion before the new prospects even arrived.
    "Already shaping up to be a good party, I think!"
    The senior Iron Skull glanced over as Cheery appeared from somewhere, stepping up to stand beside him. She leaned up against him, although he couldn't say whether it was due to the slight chill in the air, or for more carnal reasons.
    Cain nodded. "Nice job on getting in some fresh girls," he commented.
    "Hah, with how popular bikers are getting as the classic 'bad boys'?" Cheery smirked a little as she slid an arm around his

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