Wings of Sorrow and Bone

Free Wings of Sorrow and Bone by Beth Cato

Book: Wings of Sorrow and Bone by Beth Cato Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Cato
Let’s show Mr. Cody we can do this, and we’ll figure out our plan of attack from there.” Tatiana skipped toward the stairs. Rivka and Broderick followed her much more slowly.
    â€œDamn her,” Rivka growled beneath her breath. The world continued to revolve around Tatiana Garret. The noise of the gremlins faded as they entered the interior stairwell.
    Broderick lingered next to Rivka. “I know you mean well,” he said quietly. His words didn’t echo in the passage. “But you’re taking big risks here. I tranquilize the chimera if I work in close proximity. And . . . I’m not a full medician. If something happens . . .”
    â€œIf I’m stupid enough to get my arm ripped off, that’s my own fault. Will Lump be in a lot of pain right now?”
    â€œYes. And that could make him even more aggressive.” His brow furrowed. “Chimeras, even the little ones, lead hard lives. Their bodies fight against their mishmash of parts. Organ failure and tumors are common. Chimeras like Lump are so much more in every way, and injuries are inevitable in the Arena, too.” He sighed. “Death is the only way to truly stop a chimera’s pain.”

    L ump stared at Rivka, one cheek scrunched against the floor. His round black eyes were lined with severe wrinkles of strain. He was still chained in place in the middle of the circle though now on his opposite side.
    â€œHi there,” she crooned to Lump as she crept forward. His ears perked up.
    She was keenly aware of how Broderick and Tatiana stared. Tension thickened the air. Rivka’s hand quivered as she rubbed Lump’s forehead. Sporadic whiskers poked her. It’d be so easy for him to twist around and bite her.
    The purr started like a cabriolet engine. He leaned into her touch. Rivka almost sagged in relief.
    â€œHe can purr. I knew it was possible, anatomically, but . . .” Disbelief was clear in Broderick’s voice.
    â€œSilly medicians,” Rivka whispered to Lump. “All that magic, all that power, and they really don’t know what they’re doing, do they?”
    Chains rattled as Lump lifted his head off the floor and to her knee level. Broderick yelped a warning. Rivka, stunned, didn’t move back. Lump nuzzled her legs and almost bowled her over. A nervous titter escaped her lips.
    â€œBy the Lady, you’re giving me a heart attack,” said Broderick.
    â€œThis is your vicious behemoth chimera.” Rivka rubbed Lump’s head and ears. Her hand trailed around the protrusion of Lump’s nose to his catlike mouth, as if she dared him to bite her. He continued to purr.
    â€œRivka!” Tatiana called. “Can I come over?” She waited at the copper circle.
    â€œI think so. Approach slowly, okay?” She turned to Lump and pressed her head against his. “Tatiana is . . . well, I don’t know if she’s really a friend. She confuses me. But don’t kill her. It would probably upset Miss Leander.”
    Lump chirped, the sound positive, his breath appalling.
    â€œWhere should I stand?” Tatiana stopped a few feet away, fidgeting.
    â€œHere. Come right up next to me. Gremlins seem to sniff a lot. Don’t worry. I don’t think he’ll bite off your arm.”
    â€œYou don’t think so? That’s not very funny!” She squealed as Lump snuffled at her, his black nose leaving a moist trail down the front of her pale dress.
    Rivka snorted. “You sound like an air-­raid siren.”
    â€œI need to climb on Lump’s back. Mr. Cody said he’d return. He needs to see that I can do this.” The words were brave even as Tatiana’s voice rattled like a loose turbine.
    â€œWhat are you trying to prove, really?” Rivka spoke low enough so that Broderick couldn’t hear from where he packed away materials.
    â€œFrom the time I was young, I looked in

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