Banished: Book 1 of The Grimm Laws

Free Banished: Book 1 of The Grimm Laws by Jennifer Youngblood, Sandra Poole

Book: Banished: Book 1 of The Grimm Laws by Jennifer Youngblood, Sandra Poole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Youngblood, Sandra Poole
her eyes had witnessed. A cold sweat covered her. She was going crazy. First the mirror and now this. She was going crazy like Adele! A silent scream was building in her throat. She put down the mug. “I have to go.”
    “No, don’t go. We need to talk.”
    Elle rushed past her, practically running. “I have to go!”
    “Oh, puddle wax!” Adele muttered, wringing her hands. “What to do?”
    Elle was almost to the door when it slammed shut. She frantically turned the knob, but it wouldn’t budge. Left with no other option, she turned and faced Adele, her back plastered against the closed door. “P-please … let me go.”
    “I’m not going to hurt you, Elle,” Adele said gently. “Come back over and sit down, and I’ll explain everything.”
    “I don’t know.” She started shaking her head back and forth.
    Adele held out her arms. “Come.”
    She had no choice. Her feet started moving, and there was nothing she could do but comply. It was as though some unseen force was pulling her in. She sat down in the chair, her heart pounding. “Okay, say what you want to say!” She couldn’t stop the tear from rolling down her cheek.
    Adele sat down and reached for the silver tray. She held it out to Elle. “Here, I want you to eat the white truffle. It will help you understand.”
    Her heart was pounding so hard that it was making her dizzy. “Is it poison?” she squeaked.
    Adele laughed. “Heavens no, child. Eat it,” she urged.
    Elle reached for the truffle. Tentatively, she lifted it to her mouth.
    “Go ahead, eat.”
    She took a bite. It was magnificent! Even better than the hot chocolate. It was smooth and rich. She ate the rest in two bites.
    “It’s good, yes?” Adele peered at her over the spectacles.
    “It’s the best I’ve ever eaten.” She eyed the remaining truffle. “Do you want me to eat the milk chocolate one too?”
    Adele chuckled. “Not yet, there’s something I want to show you first.” She arose from her chair and walked over to an oil painting depicting a mother and daughter. They were wearing medieval clothing. The mother was resting on a red velvet settee. She had one hand on her daughter’s shoulder and the other on her flaxen hair, as if she were caressing it. The painting had an ornate gold frame that looked antique and very expensive. “One of my favorites. You may recognize it.”
    Elle looked at it. It was hard to make out the details from across the room, but something about the curve of the mother’s neck was familiar. A part of her felt as though she should know something about the painting. It was right there on the edge of her consciousness, but for the life of her, she couldn’t grasp it.
    “It’s a portrait of Cinderella and her mother,” Adele explained. “It was painted a few months before Cinderella’s mother died.”
    “Are you talking about the fairytale Cinderella?”
    “Uh huh.”
    Strange how she’d instinctively known the painting was of a mother and daughter.
    Adele carefully removed the painting, revealing a safe with a combination lock. She opened it and retrieved an old book with leather binding. She walked back to where Elle was sitting and took her seat. She held the book out for Elle to see, all the while rubbing her hand over the rough surface. “Hello, old friend,” she said reverently.
    Elle looked closely at it. “It almost looks …” She stopped, not wanting to give voice to the thoughts swirling in her head.
    “It almost looks what?” Adele prompted.
    “Like a face,” Elle admitted.
    Adele gave her a broad smile that was tinged with hope. “You’re starting to see,” she said, excitement making her voice go husky. “Elle, I want you to meet an old friend … a dear friend … Bree.” She tapped the book with the tip of her finger.
    Elle’s eyes widened. “Bree? You act as though the book is alive.” She paused. “Is it?”
    “Lives can take on many forms, Elle. This one happens to be in the form of a

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