Tango in Paradise

Free Tango in Paradise by Donna Kauffman

Book: Tango in Paradise by Donna Kauffman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Kauffman
leaned and whispered in her ear. “I guess I’ll have to resort to plan B.”
    April conceded defeat, forcing herself to admit it hadn’t left even a trace of bitterness in her mouth. “Okay, I’ll bite. What’s plan B?”
    Jack tugged her hand a little harder and started out across the lawn, heading toward the guest bungalows. “Did I ever mention that one of my ancestors was a pirate?”
    She laughed despite herself. She had no trouble picturing a swashbuckling Jack, complete with black eye patch. “No. And what does that have to do with plan B?”
    “Kidnapping. A family tradition.”
    April’s step faltered a bit, but Jack just tightened his grip and steered her around the tall hedgerow separating the lawn from the paths that wove throughout the resort compound.
    “And did your ancestors kidnap unwilling women and hold them prisoner on their own ships? Unwise move, don’t you think?”
    Between one breath and the next Jack pivoted and pulled her into the shady seclusion of the jacaranda trees. He turned so his back was facing the path, sheltering her from view. He gently pulled her closer, then draped her arms across his shoulders and linked his hands behind her waist.
    Locking his gaze on hers, he said quietly, “Who said the women were unwilling?”
    April didn’t answer. His heated voice made her think of sizzling, sun-filled days and steamy tropical nights. She knew from the heightened intensity of his gaze that she’d already incriminated herself.
    “Are you willing, April? Say yes. I spent two whole days being a good boy, but if I have to spend one more second wondering what you taste like, I’m likely to disgrace my forebears right here in the woods.”
    Fleeting thoughts of where she was and how she should be behaving became a memory as his raspy plea vibrated through her. His quiet humor enchanted her, relaxing her in ways she hadn’t allowed herself the luxury of in years. But it wasthe glitter of desire electrifying his light green eyes that created a need in her so strong nothing else could compete with it.
    “Is this taste test part of your lunch menu?” Feeling anything but casual with him, she tried to match his whimsical humor, but feared the quiver in her voice betrayed her need.
    His ragged sigh bolstered her confidence.
    “An appetizer. Only an appetizer.”
    He unlinked his hands, shifting her more tightly against him with the arm that was still wrapped around her waist, and using the other hand to slowly twine a stray curl around his finger. Keeping his eyes locked on hers, looking at her with such intensity she thought she’d simply ignite if he didn’t kiss her soon, he leaned closer until his lips almost brushed hers.
    “I need you to do one thing for me.”
    Surprised at the request, but somehow thrilled at the prospect of being needed by him, she wet her lips and answered, “What?”
    “Kiss me first. I have to know you want this as much as I do.”
    April answered with the first thing that entered her mind. “Gladly.” She tightened her fingers, which had somehow managed to work their way into the thick hair curling at his nape, and gently tugged his head down until she could lift up on her toes and reach his lips with her own.
    His lips were softer than she’d thought possible, like warm velvet. She probed gently at first, reveling in the musky taste that was him. A small part of her realized he was holding himself perfectly still during her exploration, and she began to think her rusty attempts had turned him off.
    She started to pull back, only to feel the arm behind her back tighten. He lifted a hand to cradle the back of her head and her motions stilled as she felt the slight trembling of his fingers as he wove them through her hair.
    “That’s right, April. Don’t ever doubt your effect on me.”
    Her hands slid down from his shoulders and neck to clutch at the front of his white shirt. She tore her gaze away from his and tried to focus on the dark blond

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