The Case of the Diamond Dog Collar

Free The Case of the Diamond Dog Collar by Martha Freeman

Book: The Case of the Diamond Dog Collar by Martha Freeman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Martha Freeman
who can help. I can ask her tomorrow at Canine Class.”
    At bedtime, Mom had barely opened our door when Tessa pounced. “Who are those guys in the gray suits, anyway?”
    Mom frowned. “I missed you, too, Muffin.”
    Tessa said, “Sorry, Mama. I love you. Who are those guys in the gray suits?”
    Mom sighed and sat down on the edge of my bed. “I need to tell you both something, but I don’t want you to worry. Canine Class is going to go on tomorrow as usual, but starting tonight, the White House is on heightened security alert. The two men are part of my national security team.”
    Tessa looked at me. “Translation?”
    â€œShe means they’re part of the government, and they’re being extra careful because bad guys might try to do something. Right?”
    â€œMore or less,” Mom said.
    Tessa squealed. “
Bad guys?!
    â€œShhh!” Mom put her fingers to Tessa’s lips. “It’s only a precaution. For a few days, the Secret Service will have a little extra help here in the White House. And you girls and your cousin will have to stick around, too. But there’s a silver lining. Dad had been planning to work in California this week, and now he’s going to stay here with us.”
    Sometimes when you’re thinking hard about something, it seems like everything’s connected. “Mom—does the security alert have anything to do with what Tessa and I are investigating?”
    Mom’s expression didn’t change, but she stood up. “What you and Tessa are investigating?” she said. “Well, I should say.”
    I looked over at Tessa. “Was that a yes?”
    â€œNo idea,” said Tessa. “Mom, was that a—” but the question turned into a giggle because Mom was tickling her. “
” She was still giggling. “Sto-o-op!”
    Mom’s tickling became a snuggle and a kiss. Then it was my turn, and then—before we could ask more questions—Mom was heading out the door. “Good night, muffins,” she said. “I love you.”


    WAS Mr. Bryant a thief?
    Or Mr. Ng?
    And what about the guys in the gray suits?
    Was Mom investigating the missing diamonds?
    And who was giving Hooligan fattening treats?
    All those questions were on my mind when I woke up. But in the kitchen, Granny reminded me about something
more important—my turn to name the canary.
    â€œHow about Singalong?” I tried.
    Before Granny could even express an opinion, Tessa was shaking her head. “No way! That’s the same as Paul Song’s dog. It would be confusing!”
    â€œConfusing, how? It’s not like the canary will ever even meet Paul Song’s dog.”
    â€œAnd besides—” Tessa totally ignored my excellent point—“you stole that idea, Cammie. I think the nameless canary needs an original name, one that’s all his own.”
    Granny sighed. “It should be a name we can agree on at least. Your turn tomorrow, Tessa.”
    The Canine Class topic of the day was “heel,” and Hooligan got it right away. I didn’t want to jinx it by talking about it, but at this rate he for sure was going to be Top Dog.
    With the security alert, all the CBs and CITs had to be double-checked when they entered the White House grounds. Because of that, there was no time before class to arrange help with the videos. It was only when Mr. Mormora practiced with the other dogs that I got my chance.
    Ms. Major and her cockapoo, Pickles, were next to me as usual. Pickles was trying to untie Ms. Major’s shoelaces with his teeth. “Ms. Major,” I said, “did I get it right that you keep track of news stories about us and Hooligan?”
    Ms. Major tried to bump Pickles away without actually kicking him. It looked like she was tap dancing. “Indeed I do,” she said.
    â€œThen can I ask a favor? Is there a

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