The Cain Conspiracy

Free The Cain Conspiracy by Mike Ryan

Book: The Cain Conspiracy by Mike Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mike Ryan
quickly looked at both of the men before her and tried to diffuse the situation before it got out of hand.
    “Tommy, please just go,” Heather pleaded.
    She put her hand on Tommy’s arm to persuade him to leave but he shoved it aside. Cain kept walked closer to his adversary, who also wasn’t about to back down. He looked like he was in good shape but Tommy had been pitted against plenty of guys who were in good shape but couldn’t take the power of his punches.
    “I really don’t want to have an altercation with you,” Cain told him. “But the lady asked you to go several times. I do believe it’s best if you take her advice.”
    Tommy simply laughed at Cain’s suggestion. He felt the implied threat Cain was giving him was just some tough guy bravado and he didn’t have the stones to back it up. Cain, on the other hand, was ready to toss the meathead out the door. He wasn’t itching to fight, but could tell that the bald bruiser in front of him wouldn’t have it any other way. Heather tried one more time to separate the pair but it was falling on deaf ears.
    “Matthew, please don’t,” she pleaded.
    “I’m not doing anything. If he leaves then there’s no problem,” Cain replied.
    Heather looked up at him and sighed knowing there was nothing else she could do. She worried that one of them was going to get seriously hurt. She was fearful of Cain getting injured, and though she didn’t personally care for Tommy, she didn’t want Cain to get in any kind of trouble for anything he might do. Just as she turned around to face Tommy once more, he shoved her out of the way, pushing her into the wall. That gave Tommy the distraction he needed to catch Cain by surprise. He stunned Cain with a couple of big right hands, causing Cain to stumble backwards. After Cain regained his composure he blocked a couple of Tommy’s blows, countering with a few of his own. Cain quickly got the upper hand using a combination of strikes and kicks to get Tommy off balance. Cain unleashed some moves that he didn’t even know he had in his arsenal. Now Tommy was the one trying to stave off his attacker, albeit unsuccessfully. Using a combination of punches, MMA holds, and kickboxing maneuvers, Cain had Tommy in a world of hurt. A few minutes of brutality elapsed with Cain showing no mercy on the thug laying before him. He bounced Tommy’s head off the floor a few times due to the fierceness of his punches.
    Heather shook off the pain from hitting her head against the wall and watched as Cain continued his assault. Tommy was bleeding profusely from the nostrils of his nose, along with the bridge of it, which by now was broken. Blood was pouring out of cuts from above his right eye and both sides of his mouth. He coughed up a few teeth and was certain to lose consciousness any minute. Cain was showing no mercy and Heather was getting concerned about the carnage she was witnessing.
    “Cain, stop!” Heather yelled.
    It was no use. She yelled a few more times for him but he didn’t hear a word of it. He was in such a zone that he had blocked everything out. There could’ve been trumpets playing behind him and he wouldn’t have heard a single note. Heather worried that Cain was going to kill Tommy unless she stopped him. She was a little afraid of getting in the way and possibly catching some of Cain’s wrath but felt she had no other choice. She raced in between the two men, catching hold of Cain’s right arm in the process.
    “Stop,” she told him.
    Cain immediately snapped out of whatever trance he was in, noticing the concerned look on her face. He released his curled up fist and dropped his arm, signaling the end of his confrontation. He slowly backed away, his face showing remorse for the amount of pain he just inflicted. He walked over to the window and reflected on what he’d just done. He was reminded of it by the blood stained on his knuckles. He was sure that Heather

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