Course of the Heart

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Book: Course of the Heart by Cam Dawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cam Dawson
back to the numbered mooring the dock master had assigned for Sail Out. Quickly tying off, and securing the boat, they locked up and took the dinghy back to the dock. Although Sam was still in island attire, Samantha had donned a floral print sundress she had found in a locker, and was wearing her hair up. Drew gave a local kid five dollars to watch the dinghy, and managed to obtain the general direction to the bank from the young boy’s broken English.
    They located a travel agency close to the bank. Drew soon had the money, and Sam purchased her ticket. He couldn’t remember having that much cash on him in quite a while. He ducked into a restroom stall and stashed all but five hundred of the ten thousand into a pouch, with a string tied around his waist and suspended the bag of cash down a leg of his shorts. He walked the short distance to the travel agency, as Sam walked out onto the street.
    “All set. Get your ticket?”
    “Yep, my flight leaves at one, tomorrow afternoon.”
    “Ready to do some shopping?”
    “Can’t wait!”
    She’d gotten her shopping fix in by three o’clock, buying a suitcase and loading it with her purchases. They decided to have dinner before finishing up at a market, where Drew would load up on provisions for the next leg of the trip. They soon found a restaurant that served early dinner and were quickly escorted to a table overlooking the bay.
    “This is my treat. So the sky’s the limit. Whatever you so desire shall be yours. It looks like this place has great entrees.”
    “No, I want to pay,” she insisted. “I owe you so much. Let me at least pay for our last meal together.”
    “Absolutely not. I’m the captain and I call the shots, at least until we get you to the airport tomorrow. Just think, you can get started on a new life of not having to deal with men of questionable reputations.”
    Sam lost her smile for a moment and Drew wondered if he had overdone it. “I’m sorry, did I say something wrong?”
    “No, no, not at all.” She closed the menu. “I was just thinking that after tomorrow, you’ll be free of cold natured clinging women, at least until you find one of your own choosing, and you won’t have to be risking life and limb for some stranger with baggage.”
    “Well, that may be true. But I have to admit it’s been kind of nice having you around to talk to, even if you do look funny in baggy clothes.”
    “That was a low blow, mister. Too bad you won’t be around to see me in normal clothes, without safety pins or T-shirts to cover up.”
    The drinks came and she proposed a toast.
    “To new beginnings.” She lifted a rare rum and diet-coke.
    Drew touched her glass with his drink of scotch and water. “May you and I both find the life that we so richly deserve, without abuse or stress.”
    “Here, here.” Their drink glasses clinked.
    The food was slow getting to the table, but the delay provided time for talk and libation. Sam kept pace with Drew’s drinks, one for one. He had always thought he had a high tolerance for alcohol, but the tropical air and ambiance caused him to drop his guard and he found himself on the verge of inebriation. What the hell, it was time for celebration. Tomorrow it would be back to normal for Drew and he was sure Sam would be ecstatic, breaking away for a brand new life. Freedom was around the corner and they both wanted to christen their new lives with a celebration. Didn’t they?
    Drew paid the tab as the sun set behind the lush greenery surrounding the restaurant. He decided that based on his condition and the condition of his soon to be ex-crew, he would forgo the provision gathering until after Samantha was on the flight tomorrow. At the moment, he had to concentrate on getting them back to the dinghy and out to Sail Out , if he could indeed remember where she was moored.
    He and Sam harmonized as best they could on songs they both knew, as they walked along the dock to the dinghy. The young boy was asleep in the

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