Dick by Law

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Book: Dick by Law by Robert T. Jeschonek Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert T. Jeschonek
parties and special events. So many phone calls had come in that Josie, Chip, and Ankha had been forced to set aside their In¢entive$ duties and work exclusively as his full-time public relations team.
    The invitation to New York City was the capper. You couldn't get much bigger than US A.M. ...and to top it off, Simon had a huge m eeting set for the next day , a meeting with a serious high-stakes V.I.P. player .
    Simply put, it was a great time to be Simon Bellerophon.
    T he floor director led him and Ishi to stools on the set beside Corbett and Nan. The anchors introduced themselves and shook hands with Simon and Ishi as they took their seats.
    Then, holding Ishi's hand, Simon looked around, taking in the scene. Everything seemed to twinkle in the heavenly radiance of the studio lights above them . In front of them, c amera lenses gleamed under dark hoods behind rows of scrolling text, projected in midair. The smell of coffee, leather, and roses drifted through the set .
    The floor director stood between the two cameras directly in front of Simon, listening to signals on a single-earpiece headset. She held up both hands, palm s out, and counted down by folding down fingers one at a time: 10...9...8...7...
    Corbett Lithe smiled like an angel, all blond hair and cheekbones . He glanced at a sheaf of papers in his hand, then looked up as the countdown continued.
    When Corbett spoke, his voice sounded more like music than words. Simon felt as if he were in a dream.
    Later, Simon and Ishi played back a DVD recording of the interview in their luxurious Manhattan hotel room as t h ey made love. Both the DVD and the room were courtesy of the US A.M. show.
    It was the perfect soundtrack. There they were on the screen, chatting with Corbett and Nan , even as their images twined and twisted in the mirror beside the TV , reflected from the bed in a slow storm of rhythmic motion.
    "How does it feel to start a movement?" said Corbett's recorded voice.
    "There's a movement?" TV Simon shrugged and smiled.
    Non-TV Simon caressed Ishi's breasts through her thin silk negligee , then bent to circle them with his tongue.
    "You seem to have struck a nerve," said Corbett. "Several organizations have sprung up, calling for dick identification. "
    "Wow," said TV Simon. "I didn't know there were organizations ."
    "There's been talk of a national dick registry," said Nan. "What do you think of that? "
    TV Simon nodded. "I do think there's value in widespread identification of dicks. A national registry is a good first step in deterring dicklike behavior."
    "Well, the movement certainly seems to be picking up steam," said Nan.
    In the mirror and on the bed, Simon kissed Ishi's rosebud lips. He stroked her thighs softly with his fingertips, skating ever higher on the plane of her pale, tender flesh.
    It was then that she reached for hi m and p ulled him toward her.
    "Ishi, what do you think of all this?" said Corbett. "Is Simon moving in the right direction?"
    "There's no doubt in my mind," said TV Ishi. "I believe one man can change things for the better, and Simon is that man . "
    Non-TV Simon cried out as she pulled him inside her. His mind flooded with cascades of pure pleasure.
    "Let me play devil's advocate for a minute," said Nan. "Aren't we all villains at some time or another, to some one or another? Isn't it possible, if a dick registry gets rolling, that no one will not be on the list?"
    "I think it's a matter of establishing clear criteria for dicktitude," said TV Simon, "and empowering a regulatory agency to vet each selection."
    "This won't bog down the process?" said Nan.
    "If properly implemented," said TV Simon, "I think it could speed things up."
    On the bed and in the mirror, Simon and Ishi moved faster and faster, bodies crashing together in wild pulsation. They cried out again and again in keening delirious joy that intensified with each brilliant second.
    "So what you're saying," said

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