Jade: Earth's Last Hope Against the Undead
without a backward glance.
    She said nothing, just snatched up her own
belongings and followed. She tracked him across the front yard,
where he bypassed the now defunct blood farm and headed for the
highway. Puzzled with his actions she minded her distance.
    An hour later he finally stopped and looked
around apparently unaware of where he was. She watched as, of all
things, he sat right down on the spot.
    She ran up to him, boiling over. "What are
you doing out here?"
    Teary eyed, he looked up at her. "Jade? How
did I get here?"
    Now Jade's concern mounted. She believed she
knew exactly what this was, but before she could convey her
suspicions to him, she spied something in the distance and lost the
thought. She grabbed his hand and pulled him into some bushes.
    Together they watched the approach of a
young, attractive woman with an older male who carried a long sword
strapped to his back. The couple held hands.
    When they came close enough, Jade inspected
their every detail. She had plenty of time to take them in, too, as
they stopped in the precise location Trent had sat, waiting for
something to happen.
    The woman appeared to be of Middle Eastern
heritage, big brown eyes and orange tinted streaks in her auburn
hair. The man, a lumbering hulk, might have been much stronger than
most, she suspected, but his age would slow him some if it came
down to a fight. She would take them both if she had to, but for
now she just observed them.
    As if sensing her thoughts, the man drew his
sword and Jade hesitated no longer.
    She burst out from their cover and attacked
clashing swords with the man. They pushed off one another, he
blocked her powerful kick, she dodged his ramrod punch, then hilt
to hilt they wrestled for ground. The man had strength; Jade had
balance, and she matched him move for move.
    But something was off.
    "Stop," Trent said, running in.
    They didn't of course, but they both glanced
at him. She wondered what he could possibly think would be good
about stopping this fight. Did he want her to give in? Perhaps have
this man and his lovely assistant kill them right where they
    "Don't you get it?" Trent said.
    Fighting, she answered. "No, and if you'd
kindly hurry to explain."
    "They're us."
    Jade and the man stopped fighting as both
couples examined each other more closely.
    The woman spoke now, her accent thick. "He's
right, Greg."
    Greg went to her side. "Sorry, we didn't
know you were one of us."
    Jade smirked. Although she'd withdrawn, she
kept her sword poised. "One of us? What do you mean?"
    "A chosen protector of Earth," he said.
    "Chosen? Who chose us?" Trent asked.
    "Hmm, well that we don't know."
    Jade had her suspicions.
    Greg scratched his peppered scruff. "I just
woke up one day with this sword, and it all came with such ease. I
met Liana shortly after."
    Liana glanced at him and smiled. "We've been
together ever since." Now she looked at Trent, making Jade somewhat
jealous. "And we've met others, too."
    "What are we chosen for?" Jade asked.
    "We aren't sure, but I think it has
something to do with these vampire settlements," Greg said.
    Trent blurted out. "The blood farms?"
    Greg grinned. "Blood farms. Clever."
    They all traveled together and that night
bravely camped in the open. No one bothered them. No one attacked.
It seemed very much like the days of old. But Jade knew the truth.
The days of old were likely gone forever.

    Their time together ended fast. The
following morning Trent as well as Liana seemed in a hurry to split
the parties up, which made some sense to Jade. It was obvious
something controlled both of their actions at times, somehow
affecting the way these matters played out. Deep down she knew who
was behind this from the start; from the first time she'd wakened
feeling dizzy.
    So after a short discussion, Greg and Liana
headed south, following one of Liana's urges. Jade and Trent
continued west. After she could no longer see them on the horizon,
Jade believed she could almost sense

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