Ashes of Roses (Tales of the Latter Kingdoms Book 4)

Free Ashes of Roses (Tales of the Latter Kingdoms Book 4) by Christine Pope

Book: Ashes of Roses (Tales of the Latter Kingdoms Book 4) by Christine Pope Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine Pope
mother, saying, “We have put by a great store, Your Majesty, so I am quite sure that it will last the afternoon. Here, let me put your fears to rest.”
    And he fetched her a goblet himself, although of course a man of his stature should not be performing such a duty — servitors lined the canvas walls of the pavilion, standing ready to fetch and carry as need be. Then again, my mother always did take pleasure in exercising her own power whenever the opportunity presented itself.
    As it seemed the offering of iced wine and fruit was enough to placate her for the nonce, I caught Lord Hein’s eye and said, “And the candidates…?”
    “Ah, yes, Your Majesty. My staff is directing them now to their designated locations. We have counted four hundred and twenty-seven, so we are dividing them into groups of a little more than one hundred each and guiding them to the four other pavilions. This one will be kept for the use of the Imperial household only, should you wish to escape the crush if necessary.”
    My mouth twitched, but it appeared he did not notice, or at least affected not to. “Excellent plan, Lord Hein.”
    “Yes, you must needs have a hidey-hole to flee the throngs of adoring would-be brides,” Lyarris murmured, suppressed laughter clear in her voice.
    “Hush, or I’ll have Mother down on you again.”
    This threat had the quelling effect I had hoped for, as she fell silent at once. Still, her dark eyes were dancing, and I was glad to see it. At least our mother’s casually cruel remark had not made a lasting impression.
    Now that the moment had come, I actually experienced a few pangs of nervousness. Foolish, of course. I was the Emperor of Sirlende, and they were merely girls, young women who of course would be on their best behavior.
    But there were so very many of them…
    Still, there was nothing for it. I took in a breath, then walked a pace or two, at which point I stopped and looked back at my sister, who had not moved.
    “Are you not coming with me?”
    “I am not the one in search of a wife, Torric,” she said calmly. “I think it better that I stay here, in the imperial pavilion, whilst you make your rounds. It is safer, for the last thing I want is some girl from the country who has never been to the capital to think me a rival for your attentions.”
    “Traitor,” I replied, but I winked at her, to show her that I meant for the word to have no bite.
    She gave me the warrior’s salute then, one fist to her breast as she bowed toward me. “Seize the day, brother.”
    “I have no doubt of that.”
    Any further exchange would be seen as a delaying tactic, so I turned away from her once again and made my way to the next pavilion over, which had been set up some ten yards from the one secured for imperial use. Four guards accompanied me, although what they could do to protect me from a horde of over-zealous noblemen’s daughters, I was not certain.
    As I approached I heard an excited chatter of feminine voices, a hubbub which stilled almost immediately as I entered the large tent.
    Good gods, there really were more than a hundred of them. Of course I had spent my whole life at court events where those in attendance numbered far more than that, but the young women seemed so concentrated in that smallish space, especially when one considered that I, the four guards attending me, and the four other servants pressed up against the walls were the only men in the place.
    Such a sea of glinting color and staring eyes and shining dark hair! Quickly I scanned the group, but I saw no flash of russet among that crowd of black and dark brown. This was only the first pavilion, I reminded myself, and I should not be surprised that she was not here.
    The young women were silent, staring at me, and although I had ridden in parades and reviews, traversed the narrow streets of my capital with all eyes on me, somehow that attention had not seemed as intimate, as focused as what greeted me now. Several of the

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