warm shower help?”
“I think so.”
“You rest now, and we’ll shower later. I’ll take care of you.” He whispered softly into her ear. “I’m sorry Kerrigan. I never want to hurt you.”
She tilted her face up to meet the concerned look on his face. “I’m fine. You were intense, but you didn’t hurt me. Every time we’re together, you open me up to new heights.” In his cradling arms, she rested.
Twenty minutes later, he eased himself from around her and held out his hand to help her up. She winced in pain as she attempted to move. He must have realized her discomfort.
“Don’t move. I’ll carry you,” he said.
Axel lifted her up from the sofa, carried her into the bathroom and then gently put her down on the cold marble floor. Twisting the knob, he turned on the water, and then took her by the hand and led her into the shower. Too weak to stand on her wobbly legs, Axel held her up against his strong body. He washed her gently, admiring her body. She trembled at his touch. Foaming every inch of her soft skin with aromatic luxury body wash, the water flowed over them both, washing the scent of sex away. For several minutes, he cradled her in his arms before turning off the water. Softly, he dried her, gentle fibers of the Turkish towel absorbing the dampness from her flesh.
Dressed and her hair restyled, t he only telltale sign that she had been on a romp with Axel was her missing lipstick. She dreaded walking into the executive suite lobby after being in his office for three and a half hours.
Preparing, for Kerrigan to leave, they stood near the large suite door. Embracing her from behind, her back against his chest, he leaned down and his mouth grazed the nape of her neck. “Kerrigan, I don’t think this was a good idea.”
She stiffened. “You didn’t enjoy the sex?”
“No! That’s not what I meant at all. I hurt you today. I had so much pinned up energy. I couldn’t control myself. We can’t do this in the office. I need you in my bed at night.”
Kerrigan’s small hand caressed his forearm and tensed at his admission. “I can’t be in your bed every night. We’ll figure out something.” She glanced at the oversized office doors. “Do you think Brenda heard us?” she asked, horrified.
“I don’t think Brenda heard anything. These walls are supposed to be reinforced and sound-proof.”
She relaxed her stiff shoulders. “I sure hope so.”
Axel tightened his arms around her waist. “I need you every night, Kerrigan. We need to talk about this soon.”
She wasn’t sure where he was going. Her pulse quickened.
Squirming until his grip loosened, “Okay, we’ll talk soon. I have to get back to my office now,” she said.
She spun around in his arms, tiptoed and met his kiss as he leaned down.
Axel’s finger swiped the tip of her nose. “I mean what I said Kerrigan. Soon.”
Her eyes darted, avoiding his impassioned gaze. “Yes. Soon.”
She was glad that Brenda wasn’t sitting there when she finally walked out of Axel’s office , thoroughly fucked. She made her way back to her office, trying to maintain a low profile. She hurried in, closed the door and pulled out her lipstick. Their relationship was still unbelievable to her. Just a few short weeks ago, she was a virgin who would do anything to avoid his imposing intensity and now she was in his office doing things she’d never even imagined. Being with him was surreal. How long would they last?
She continued working until five o’clock. She noticed that he hadn’t canceled their late afternoon “meeting.” She was under no circumstances going back into his office today. At a quarter after five, there was a knock at the door.
“Come in,” She announced. When she turned around and saw him standing in the doorway, a hard lump formed in her throat. He walked in, closed the door behind him, and then stalked over to her desk. Her heart hammered in her chest. Was he out of his mind?