Master Of Paradise

Free Master Of Paradise by Virginia Henley

Book: Master Of Paradise by Virginia Henley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Virginia Henley
hands," nodded the keeper in sympathy with the planter's problems.
    "That's right. Cotton planters get fifteen good workin' years out of a buck. Sugarcane's different. They last only six, seven years." The planter picked out two slaves and they knelt before him. He examined their privates then he threw his crop across the compound and told each one to go fetch. He seemed satisfied with his choice, and began to bargain in earnest.
    Nicholas noted the asking price was fifteen hundred apiece, and he blanched as he thought how much it was going to take to buy a dozen men. However, after a good deal of dickering, a firm offer of eight hundred apiece was made and accepted, and the two men disappeared inside the office to make out the bills of sale.
    Nick looked across the compound to the far side where most of the activity was going on. About two dozen black women were being appraised and examined by half-a-dozen different men. There were no other buyers interested in looking at the males.
    Nick asked Samuel which would be his choice. Samuel lost no time in lining up about twenty black men, and walking with Nicholas down the row.
    "Too old," he rejected the first man, although he didn't look as old as Samuel himself. He felt the muscles of the second man and nodded. He ran his hand down the back of the third, nodded, then shook his head at the fourth.
    "What's wrong with him?"
    "They gits uppity ideas. Thinks they half white."
    "A mulatto is half white. I like the looks of him."
    Samuel rolled his eyes and moved on. "Too thin in de belly. Might be worms." He said the next two might be all right, 'though they were on the slim side. The next man was burly-chested with fists like hams and thighs that bulged visibly through thin britches. "Trouble,"said Samuel, passing him by.
    "Christ, Samuel, I'm picking workers, not a bloody Sunday school class."
    The black man grinned at the remark and Samuel was visibly offended.
    "What's your name?" Nick asked.
    "Brute," said the man, then added, "short for Brutus."
    Nicholas smiled.
    The slave trader emerged from his office, pleased to see another buyer so late in the day.
    "What kin ah do fer you, suh? All prime stock. This one here got good bones fer a sapling."
    "No. Too young for me. I have to clear land and put in a crop this spring."
    The man nodded his understanding.
    "I've already selected half-a-dozen."
    "How many you needin' suh?"
    "Depends on the price," Nick said. "Reckon you'll give me a good price on a dozen?"
    The dealer rubbed his hands together at the thought of such a sale.
    Nicholas picked men with good shoulders, arms and flanks, without worrying too much about their ages. In the end he could only afford ten men. He got them for eight thousand, and went into the office.
    A stack of blank bills of sale sat on a table, and the dealer made out ten bills exactly the same, except for the name of each slave.
    State of South Carolina. Know all men by these presents, that I, Jack Wilkinson of Charleston, for and in consideration of the sum of eight hundred dollars to me in hand paid, at an before the sealing and delivery of these presents by Nicholas Peacock (the receipt thereof I do hereby acknowledge) have bargained and sold, and by these presents do bargain, sell and deliver to the said Nicholas Peacock, a negro slave named Brutus, to have and to hold the said Brutus unto the said Nicholas Peacock, his Executors, Administrators and assigns to his and their only proper use and behoof forever.
    "Keep them for me until tomorrow," Nicholas instructed, glad that the distasteful business was done.
    As they walked past the black women, Nicholas was disgusted to see the prospective buyers fingering the naked women, displayed for their pleasure. The wenches vied with each other for who would be chosen first. The inviting glances were transferred to him as he approached, and he found he had to look away from such an abomination.
    Away from the other females, standing aloof

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