Can't Touch This

Free Can't Touch This by J. Hali Steele

Book: Can't Touch This by J. Hali Steele Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Hali Steele
holding you beneath him.” Castle
leaned down and nipped her neck. “He would ride you until he filled you with
his seed.”
    A low growl escaped from his throat as more of his dick slid
into her ass. “Can you take it all?”
    * * * * *
    Harlow wanted to yell her pleasure but her mouth was full.
She had waited for the initial pain to pass, and when he began to tell her what
his wolf would feel, what it would do to its mate, she drove her ass up and
felt Castle sink in farther. He bit the back of Harlow’s neck and she relaxed,
allowing him to move deeper in her ass. “Ahh-ahhh,” she moaned when he growled
in her ear. Unable to give voice to how good it was or use her hands, she sought
release by rubbing her pelvis against the bed. If only she could ask him to
touch her pussy or pinch her clitoris to provide needed stimulation. Just as
she thought it, Castle took care of her.
    “Your pussy is wet.” His fingers stroked through the crease,
bringing her to the edge, and then he stopped. Again he shoved them inside,
causing her to grind against his hand. All the while, he jammed in and out of
her ass, taking what he wanted, giving her so much more. “Tight, baby, so very
tight.” He continued his thrusts, stirring something inside that made her feel
like crying in joy.
    He continued to dip fingers in and out of her vagina
matching his strokes in her ass. Cass teased her to the edge repeatedly. He
took Harlow close, and then he’d pull back. “I want to feel it when you come.”
He slowed his pace, but he lengthened his strokes, went deeper each time.
“You’re ready.”
    “Mmmm,” she moaned. Unable to bear it without seeing him,
Harli kicked his thigh hard. Castle pulled from her, removed the ball gag first,
and then he loosened the cuffs. “You okay?”
    She flipped over. “I needed to see you.”
    “It’s all right.”
    She tugged his arm until he lay on top of her. “Fuck me,
Cass, take me over the edge.”
    “Let me clean up first.”
    While he was in the bathroom, Harlow dipped fingers into her
pussy, pulled them out and slid them through the folds until she found her
clitoris, driving herself closer and closer to the precipice. She hadn’t
noticed his return until he swore.
    “Damn.” He peered at her hard. “Do you know what hearing
your fingers play there does to me?” His hand encircled his cock and in
seconds, the tip glistened.
    “I want to use that.” A swing in the corner had seized her
attention, made her imagine hanging there while Cass bounced her up and down,
jamming his penis inside her.
    Jerking his cock back and forth, he prowled to the bed as if
she were his prey. “My adventurous lover.” He leaned down and kissed her lips
softly. “Open your legs so I can take care of my pussy.” He climbed on the bed
and nudged her thighs wide with a knee. “Let me tap those hot lips.” Using
fingers, he swatted her labia lightly, and then massaged her nether lips until
she felt as if she’d go crazy.
    Cass continued his tapping until she begged, “Take me, damn
you, now .”
    Grasping his cock, he shoved only the cap in and stopped.
“Want it?”
    “God, yes.” Harlow spiked her hips up and captured every
thick inch deep inside. “Fill me.” She pushed her pelvis upward into his again
and again. “Take everything, it’s yours.”
    “Shit… shshshit ,” he hissed. Cass drew his cock out,
slammed it back in. “I’ll always give you what you want.” He stroked inside her
at a maddening pace, quickly taking her to a new high, one she didn’t want to
let slip away. “Every. Damn. Time.” Her fingernails dug into Castle’s buttocks
and scored his shoulders, yet he never missed a stroke not even when he leaned
down and whispered, “Taste me, honey.”
    Licking the gouges she had opened on one shoulder, Harlow
marveled at how exotic his blood tasted and it drove her wild. “Harder, Cass,
    Thrusting in, out, he took her back to the edge, but

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