Axiom Theory: Book Four of the Shadow Series

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Book: Axiom Theory: Book Four of the Shadow Series by J.M. Pierce Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.M. Pierce
    “What in the world is going on?” she asked aloud to herself.
    Answering innocently, Aiden replied. “Is it an earthquake?”
    Without answering, she proceeded forward with Aiden’s hand in hers and walked through the front door. Feeling a tug from Aiden, she stopped and turned back. Her right hand was still on the outside of the door grasping his hand. She leaned forward, allowing her head to go through the door, and looked down at the boy whose eyes were wide with fear.
    “What’s wrong?” she asked.
    With a slight stutter, Aiden replied. “You…you…you just went through that door.”
    Forgetting for a moment that something was happening in the living world, she exited the house completely and crouched down beside Aiden. “Yep,” she replied exuberantly. “Pretty cool, huh?”
    Aiden’s expression didn’t change.
    “You can do it too,” said Alyssa, trying to make it sound like an amusement park ride.
    The boy’s nose wrinkled as he looked back and forth between the door and Alyssa. “Does it hurt?” he asked.
    Wondering exactly how long he’d been a spirit, she found it hard to believe that he’d not yet experienced this sort of thing. “Of course not, silly!” she exclaimed, tickling his stomach. “Come on, I’ll show you.”
    Alyssa stood and walked casually through the door once again and stood on the other side expecting Aiden to follow. She waited several seconds before poking her head through the door. “Are you coming?” she asked.
    Aiden looked up to her with a look that still reflected his apprehension.
    “I promise. It’s not going to hurt,” she said.
    The boy stepped up to the door and Alyssa watched as he thought for one more moment. Suddenly, she couldn’t help but giggle as Aiden’s cheeks inflated with air as he closed his eyes and pressed his face towards the door. She backed away and watched as his puckered lips and cheeks were the first thing to ap pear on the inside of the door.
    “Good job, buddy. Keep coming,” she said.
    Aiden continued a couple more steps after being completely inside, not even knowing that his task was complete. Before Alyssa could offer her praise, Lauren’s voice appeared behind her.
    “And who is this?”
    Alyssa shot upright and spun around, finding herself face to face with Lauren and Prim who were standing with them in the spirit realm.
    “Uh,” was the only response she could muster as she glanced back to little Aiden.
    “You bringing home strays?” Lauren quipped.
    Alyssa felt herself become flushed as she stood in the cramped and crowded entryway. With the four of them standing in such close proximity, she was even more uncomfortable. She hadn’t thought about explaining things to the others, only about how to deal with Test.
    As the door hinges began to rattle once again, she saw an opportunity to change the subject. “What’s going on?” she asked.
    “Damn that boy and his temper,” said Cliff, appearing around Prim’s side. “That fool boy has done lost his head. I expect this episode will draw some notice from folks ‘round here too.”
    “What happened?” asked Alyssa.
    With a sideways grin, Lauren was happy to answer. “Oh, we told him that he had to stay here while we all went out and did some reconnaissance so he threw a temper tantrum about it.”
    With his arms folded across his chest, Prim continued. “And in the process could have given away our locatio n.” He looked to Cliff. “ Fool boy is right.”
    Alyssa looked down to Aiden again with a grin as he wr apped his arms around her leg, obviously frightened by the loud strangers in front of them. “Well,” said Alyssa. “It’s been a long time since he’s gone off the deep end, right?” She looked between Cliff, Lauren, and Prim, waiting for one of them to at least nod their head. When none of them did anything more than scowl at her, she tried to defend her love one more time. “He’s done well for a long time, controlling his

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