Axiom Theory: Book Four of the Shadow Series

Free Axiom Theory: Book Four of the Shadow Series by J.M. Pierce

Book: Axiom Theory: Book Four of the Shadow Series by J.M. Pierce Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.M. Pierce
to Iku who quickly looked to the floor shamefully. “The fact of the matter is, Test, we were born different. Call it a gift, or call it a curse; it doesn’t really matter. We are what we are. What is the difference between a Shadow and a Reaper?” He paused, giving Test a moment to respond, but he remained silent. “Nothing,” he stated bluntly. “The only difference is the choices each of us has made.” He pointed to Iku while still staring at Test. “Or were forced into making. Other than that, it’s nothing more than a name.” With another deep breath he continued. “I have to get past the pain, as do you. I have forgiven Iku. Together, maybe we can right a wrong before it even happens.”
    The room fell silent once more until Iku’s deep voice reverberated off the walls. “The burden you carry belongs to someone other than you,” he said, meeting Test’s glare. “I ask that you give me the chance to balance my life.”
    Slowly Iku stood from the chair and took a step towards Test, extending his right hand. Test’s heart raced. His mind knew what needed to be done, but his heart had difficulty letting go of the past. Looking up to the man who was once his enemy, he shook the hand that once tried to kill him.
    “ We both carry the same burden,” said Test. “Maybe the load would be lighter if we do it together?”
    A grin appeared on Iku’s lips and Test couldn’t stop his from doing the same.
    Slapping his hand on top of theirs, Prim spoke. “Okay, now that we have all of that out of the way —we need to come up with a plan.”
    “Agreed,” replied Cliff who’d been standing patiently watching the situation play out.
    Test thought for a moment, and then looked to Prim as Iku regained his seat across from them. “Do we know where they live?” he asked. “Why can’t we just go and confront them?”
    “I know where they lived last,” replied Iku. “But they move often. In the short time since they’ve had the boy they’ve moved three times , each time to a different city.”
    Test’s face twisted with confusion. “How do they do that?”
    With a huff from Cliff, Prim knew he was thinking the exact same thing as the old man. Test was still pretty naïve. “Remember what I said a minute ago about choices?”
    “Yeah,” answered Test. Before Prim could continue, he realized the answer to his own question. “I suppose getting new things isn’t hard if you don’t care whose life you take to get it, huh?”
    “True story,” said Cliff.
    “If they’ve moved,” asked Test, “how are we going to find them?”
    Suddenly, from the doorway, Lauren’s voice pierced the male dominated room. “We send Prim to find them. He should be able to feel their power if he’s anywhere within 200 miles of them.”
    Each of them turned to the doorway, but Test was first to answer.
    “I’ll go with him.”
    Prim turned back to Test and, with a grimace, replied. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
    “What? Why?” asked Test with a large measure of annoyance.
    Taking a moment to choose his words carefully, Prim replied. “How are you going to react when you see yourself standing in front of you?” He watched as Test stared at him blankly. “If it came down to you, would you be able to destroy the boy ? Even if that means looking yourself in the eye while you’re doing it?”
    Test stumbled on his words as he answered. “I…I think…”
    “I can’t live with ‘I think so’, if that’s what you were going to say,” interrupted Prim. “We may only have one shot at this and I,” he motioned around the room, “ we can’t risk you losing your head.”
    Frustrated , Test leaned back in his seat and laced his fingers behind his head. “So what am I supposed to do? Sit around here and wait?”
    “Yep,” answered Lauren for Prim. “Here’s what I think—Prim and the old man go to find the twins, me and Iku go to try to find this guy who ran the show.” She looked to Cliff and

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