Angel in the Shadows

Free Angel in the Shadows by Amy Deason

Book: Angel in the Shadows by Amy Deason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Deason
few extra seconds to taste her mouth on his. Enticing . But then the shock of his unexpected actions wore off and she tried to fight him, breaking the mood for him.
    He eased her supple body onto the floor of the closet, opening the door cautiously. There was no one in sight. By his estimate, they should be docking at Whitehall Station now. At this hour and in this weather, not many people were out, not even the most dogged New Yorkers. Perfect. He had only a few minutes before the ferry started to accept boarding passengers so he had to act quickly. Deftly scooping Madison from the floor, he pressed her head into his shoulder, effectively concealing her face. Taking another glance, he left the temporary safety of the closet, making his way down the steps toward the exit. As he walked, her head shifted slightly until her mouth was pressed lightly against his throat. Her warm breath swept over his skin like a caress. The smell of her skin was light and soft and it made his stomach tighten in pure male response. Gritting his teeth against the unexpected reaction, he forced himself to concentrate on getting them out of here alive.
    He was almost home free when he was approached by a young, blond steward. The steward’s green eyes darkened in concern and suspicion. Frowning at Madison laying in Seth’s arms, he stepped up and addressed him cautiously.
    “Is everything okay, sir?”
    Pasting a good-natured smile on his face, Seth met him just at the exit gate. “Yes, of course. My wife had a little too much to drink.” He wagged his head. “Tonight’s our anniversary and she celebrated a little more than I did,” Seth said lightly, hoping the man would just accept the story without causing a scene. He didn’t feel like dealing with him right now.
    The steward regarded Madison carefully then chuckled, all suspicion gone. “I’m sure that’s not the way you had hoped to end the night.”
    Seth forced a grin. “No, it wasn’t but she’ll make it up to me in the morning if her head’s not hurting too badly.” Like there was a chance in hell of Madison making anything up to him. When she woke up, she was going to be terrified and furious. Not a good combination.
    “Boy, I wish my wife would do that. She’d just tell me to leave her alone and let her sleep,” the steward grumbled good-naturedly. “Well, have a good night, sir, and Happy Anniversary,” he added, tipping his hat in Seth’s direction.
    “I will, thank you.”
    Seth stepped off of the ferry and entered the terminal, looking everywhere at once. At two a.m., the monstrous glass and steel building was nearly deserted which made things easier for him. The fewer witnesses, the less trouble for him. There was no sign of Jason but he couldn’t be too careful. Vance didn’t hire amateurs. The sooner he got Madison out of sight and somewhere safe, the better. The more he found out about her, the easier he could determine exactly how to deal with her. Charlie would need to be informed of this new change in direction so he would have to contact her as soon as he could. Outside, he sucked the frigid air deep into his lungs and hurried across the parking lot.
    His personal car waited close to the entrance of the terminal in case of emergencies. He hadn’t anticipated using it quite this early but now he was glad that it was here. Perhaps not the most inconspicuous of vehicles, the gunmetal gray Porsche was one indulgence he’d given in to. Fast and sleek, it outran just about everything and cornered like a dream. Which came in handy from time to time. Opening the passenger side door, he slid Madison’s warm, pliant body into the bucket seat and walked around the nose of the car, climbing in behind the wheel. The car started smoothly, engine purring, and he leaned over across Madison’s sleeping form to snap the seat belt into place. As he did, he inhaled the light perfume she wore. He lingered over her, studying her relaxed face.
    The anger and fear were

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