Within The Shadows
entered the hall through a large set of oak doors.
    It was a
very dramatic entrance. Standing below me were hundreds of unknown
faces. A few stood out, but they were strangers all the same. They
wore a mixture of black and purple clothes. The women were dressed
in floor-length gowns, their hair pulled back tight, and their
hands covered by long lace gloves. The men’s attire consisted of
black herringbone frockcoats with matching black trousers. All wore
purple shirts with black cravats.
    I looked
around, trying to find Alex. He stood with Leonid in front of an
altar. It was the most spectacular scene I had ever witnessed.
Lighted candles and floral arrangements of violets, orchids, red
roses, lilies, and irises filled the entire room. The scent was
fell, and all eyes were on me. My stomach churned, and panic set
in. I wanted to run through the doors, and as far from there as I
could, but behind me were two large men standing in front of the
doors. They were not going to move for me.
    I stood
alone, and watched the smile spread across Alex’s face as he
ushered me to him. I must have floated down the stairs, as I cannot
remember walking down. The crowd moved as I walked down an aisle
strewn with rose petals.
    Alex looked
amazing. I had never seen him look so handsome. He wore identical
clothes to the rest of the men, except his cravat matched the grey
marl of the sash I wore around my waist. His smile illuminated the
whole room. In normal circumstances, it would have melted my heart,
but there was something sinister shining in his eyes. A deep
redness flickered in the light of the candles.
    I was so out
of my depth. Taking my hand, he led me towards a stone slab in
front of the altar.
    Shaking, my
voice quivered as I whispered to him ,
“What’s going on?”
    “ It’s your consecration. Remember, you will be blessed
tonight. Just follow my lead.”
    He was so
calm. It seemed they expected me to mirror his demure behaviour. I
was anything, but calm, however. Sweat began to seep into the palms
of my hands. So many eyes were upon me.
    Breathe , Giselle.
Just breathe!
directed me to lie down upon the stone
slab. I obliged, and rested my body on the cold rock beneath me.
Incense filled the space around me. There was no air, just smoky
fumes. There were four men, one standing at each corner of the
slab, and each was holding a staff. Their eyes were filled with the
crimson tide that was visible in both Alex and Leonid. Alex stood
back, and disappeared behind his father. I was alone with the
strange men, each mumbling to himself.
    From the
altar came the voice of someone I knew – Atarah.
    “ Tonight, we rejoice in the awakening of our sister,
Giselle. She will be the vessel in which our new blood will run. It
has been spoken by our forefathers that a mortal will bear the
child of our beloved Prince Alexander. Our goddess, Lilith, blesses
this union, and with her consent, we will commence.”
    Not a sound
was heard. I lay still, and held my own breath. Wind blew around
the room, sending shivers down my spine. Each of the four men
placed their right hand upon me. Joining them was Alex and his
father, Leonid.
    “ You are a child of our goddess, Lilith, and I ask her to
bless you.” Atarah’s voice echoed through the room. I could feel
the power that came with her words.
    One of the
men touched my head, and said, “May your mind be blessed so that
you can receive the wisdom of the Goddess.”
touched my eyes. “May your eyes be blessed so that you can see
clearly upon this path that has been chosen for you.”
    My lips were
next. “May your lips be blessed so that you will always speak with
honour, respect, and love.”
    A hand was
placed on my chest. “May your heart be blessed so that you may
love, and be loved throughout life’s long path.”
    Alex placed
his right hand on my abdomen. “May your womb be blessed so that you
may respect the creation of life, and thus be the giver

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