Miss Abernathy's Concise Slave Training Manual

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Book: Miss Abernathy's Concise Slave Training Manual by Christina Abernathy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Abernathy
slave will be expected to accompany the Owner to one leather community social event each month. She agrees to "attend" the Owner at these events and renounces the right to move freely while doing so.
    signed, this day _____________________, /,19______.

    Jane Doe, slave

    John Smith, Owner

    Ending an Association: The Importance of Pre-nuptials

    I believe that any contract between a dominant and a submissive - and any negotiation, for that matter - should include an explicit agreement about what will happen should the association not work out. I call these agreements "pre-nuptials." We all know about the "honeymoon" period when new lovers float about, four feet off the ground. Once they come back to earth, the view can be very different.
    If the dominant is contracting for a live-in slave, the pre-nuptial clause(s) should include provisions ensuring the material and emotional care of the slave should the dominant dissolve the contract. Certainly any income that the dominant has controlled or saved for the slave should be returned immediately; with interest. Any personal items that belonged to the slave before the contract should also be returned. I also suggest that the slave be given the option of retaining any written work produced at the dominant's command, such as journals or essays, or at least copies of these.
    But will the dominant be responsible for any or all of the slave's moving costs, which can include sizable security deposits and rental fees? That about household items or toys bought during the contract with both parties' money? Is it the slave's blender because she used it more, or the dominant's because he paid for it with his credit card? When a relationship is ending, the last thing anyone wants is more grief. Spell it out. I strongly suggest consulting an attorney for advice on pre-nuptial clauses before signing a live-in contract. You can always pretend you're actually getting married or establishing a domestic partnership, if discretion is an issue. At very least, look at some of the excellent do-it-yourself law books available from Nolo Press that show sample contracts and pre-nuptial agreements. Many books written for newlyweds include sections on finances and pre-nuptials. A contract between a dominant and a submissive is a commitment of no less importance or complexity than any other relationship, whether the State acknowledges it or not. Often marriage is the only comparable situation, and dominants and submissives would do well to learn where they can.
    In more formal, traditional dominant/submissive relationships, the dominant will take the lead, and that includes the prerogative of ending the relationship. I do not wish to imply that a slave has no right to end a relationship or that they are a “bad” slave for doing so, simply that the dynamics of such relationships often leave more room for the dominant to initiate change. One well-known dominant woman of my acquaintance feels strongly that it is not just her prerogative, but her responsibility; to end a relationship that may be damaging to the submissive's self-esteem or general well-being, whether or not the submissive believes that to be the case. While this attitude may at first glance seem arrogant, it in fact speaks of a commitment to care for the submissive, and an understanding of the pitfalls of submission. This is not the same thing as Wanda Syndrome, and this dominant is hardly giving herself permission to throw a slave out on her ear. Rather, she takes responsibility for the slave's well-being.
    A word to slaves: I have had the misfortune to know a number of submissives who seem to believe that the dissolution of a contract gives them license to behave badly. You will have realized by now that I view slavehood as a noble vocation, and I expect a slave to act no less honorably than a dominant in the event that a relationship ends. Here are a

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