The Very Thought of You

Free The Very Thought of You by Angela Weaver

Book: The Very Thought of You by Angela Weaver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Weaver
    â€œSo what are you going to do?”
    â€œI’ve already sent off a DNA sample to the lab. I should get the results in the morning.”
    â€œShe agreed to let you take a DNA test?”
    â€œMiranda doesn’t know about it. She had to get a full physical for her daughter before enrolling her in school. I pulled some strings and managed to get a blood sample.”
    Marius’s eyebrows shot upward and his lips curved into a grin. “I’m impressed.”
    â€œDon’t be,” Caleb responded. “What I did was not only unethical, it could get me fired.”
    â€œIf the girl’s yours?” Marius rasped.
    Caleb’s jaw ticked at the thought and his finger tightened on the glass of scotch single malt. His life would change; it already had. He’d further decrease his schedule at the hospital to spend more time with Miranda and Kelly. Next, he’d start construction on a new house near his parents. He’d already picked out an architect and an interior designer.
    As his firstborn, Kelly would have the biggest bedroom and he’d give her a computer room next to his study. Miranda would have her own set of rooms for any daytime activities, but he would stipulate that they would sleep in the same bed. If the tests came back and he was Kelly’s father, the one missing piece of his life would be filled. And if they came back and he wasn’t her father…?
    Caleb lifted the crystal glass to his lips and swallowed hard. The rich, smoky flavor warmed his throat. No matter the outcome, he wanted Miranda. He wanted to talk to her about his life since she’d left, share with her his good days and his bad days. He wanted to listen to her tell him about her life before and after becoming Kelly’s mother. He wanted to know her hopes, her dreams and desires. He wanted to come home from the hospital to her every night, talk about their days and hear her thoughts. “You might want to stay in town next week, because there’s going to be a wedding.”
    Somehow Marius read his mind. “And if Miranda is telling the truth and the girl is adopted?”
    He set the glass down lightly on the side table and compared the last week—with Miranda and Kelly in his life—to the years he’d been alone.
    He’d been downright arrogant on the last few dates he’d had. The women were beautiful, intelligent and available. Syleena and Diane. They both worked in the medical field, came from good families. Whenever he needed female company for an event, dinner, or physical companionship, he called and vice versa. It had been established early on that none of them were looking for full-time relationships.
    But now things had changed; he’d changed. He didn’t want to be the bachelor doctor anymore.

Chapter 7
    â€œM s. Tyler do you have a minute?”
    â€œOf course,” Miranda responded as she stopped a few feet from Darren’s hospital room. The nurses had assured her that it would take a few hours for them to complete the full battery of tests. In the meantime, she’d planned to run across the street and get something to eat.
    She turned to see a lighter-skinned black woman in a black pantsuit approaching her from the nurses’ station. Her brow creased. Whoever she was, she didn’t appear to be a doctor. Not that Miranda expected all the doctors to be men or older white women. But the lady’s skin glowed, her clothing was extremely stylish and her appearance didn’t seem in keeping with the eighteen-hour days practiced by many of the hospital doctors. “We haven’t met yet, but my name is Grace Samson and I hope to be your brother’s physical therapist.”
    Miranda stuck out her hand and the other woman shook it. “Please call me Miranda.”
    â€œNow I just need your help. Caleb predicted your brother wouldn’t be too keen on having physical therapy and he’s even less

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