Remember Love: Saints Protection & Investigations

Free Remember Love: Saints Protection & Investigations by Maryann Jordan

Book: Remember Love: Saints Protection & Investigations by Maryann Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maryann Jordan
Tags: Fiction, Romance
twisted in a mask of frustration. “You can’t imagine what it’s like…I didn’t even know who I was. I couldn’t think well and the fear…the overpowering fear. Even fear of the police.”
    “Were you not afraid of the trucker?”
    Reaching up to touch her forehead, she said, “I remember that he offered to take me to a hospital. He seemed kind and Gypsy wasn’t afraid of him. I think that’s why I trusted him.”
    “And nothing has returned to you?”
    “Sometimes, I have dreams…nightmares…but when I awake, I can’t recall. Just images, darkness, fear.” Her eyes implored him to understand. “I just can’t remember anything about who I was before I crawled out of the wreck, with Gypsy at my side.”
    “A chip!” Blaise said suddenly, leaping from the sofa. “God, what an idiot I am!”
    He turned back to the wide-eyed woman on the sofa looking at him as though he was crazy. “If Gypsy was your beloved pet, you probably had her implanted with an identifier chip! I can’t believe I didn’t think to scan for that.”
    Leaning down to snag her hand, he escorted her to the back room, where Gyspy laid on a blanket, eyeing the three cats invading her space. He walked to a cabinet and grabbed a microchip scanner, before kneeling over the dog.
    Running the scanner over the dog, his heart leaped when an identifier had been found. His eyes showed his enthusiasm as they sought hers. “We’ve got a number!”
    “Will that tell me who I am?” she asked excitedly.
    “Well, it will tell us who had the dog registered. Since you are the probable owner, then at least we’ll know more than we did.”
    Taking the scanned number to the computer on the counter, he began to search. It did not take long for a hit to come up, but he stared at it in confusion. Turning slowly to her, he said, “I’ve got an identifier chip. It says TSA-GMK and then a number. I don’t know what the rest of this means, but this identifies a Transportation Security dog.”
    Two hours later, Blaise pulled into the driveway of Jack’s property, Miss sitting stiffly in the passenger seat of his jeep. Glancing sideways, he noticed her posture and instinctively reached over to gather her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze.
    Her gaze cut over to his before staring out of the window again. As Jack’s large house came into view, she gasped. “Oh my goodness, this is beautiful.” Then her eyes landed on the number of vehicles in the front. “Who all is here?” she asked, her voice tremulous.
    “My boss called everyone in. Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll be right with you.”
    Nodding, she tamped down her desire to flee. You wanted help and now you have it. Suck it up, girl and accept what’s coming.
    Fifteen minutes later, she was ensconced on a large, overstuffed sofa, Blaise protectively at her side. She looked around in awe at the nine other large, handsome men in the room. They had been introduced but she would never remember all of their names. Bethany, a pretty blonde and Jack’s wife, welcomed her before sitting down with her husband.
    Blaise smiled at Bethany, glad that Jack asked her to join them, knowing her presence would have a calming effect on the inquisition.
    Reining in her nervousness, she retold her story and then answered their questions to the best of her ability.
    No, she did not remember her childhood or parents.
    No, she did not remember her job.
    No, she did not remember how she came to have a TSA dog.
    The man identified as Luke, said, “We can try fingerprinting. We didn’t get any hits on reported missing women, but if she had anything to do with the TSA, they’d have her fingerprints on record.”
    She jerked her gaze to Blaise, gaining his approval. Looking back to the dark-haired man, she nodded. “Let’s do it.”
    He left the room for a few minutes, coming back with a fingerprint kit. Taking careful prints, he handed her the wipes as he stood.
    “Bethany is going to keep you

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