Hide and Seek

Free Hide and Seek by P.S. Brown

Book: Hide and Seek by P.S. Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: P.S. Brown
occurred to him that Cheryl was upset because she was worried that her parents’ impression of her would be tarnished by this incident. Peter and Cas, and the other members of the group, couldn’t have cared less because they all knew that even if their parents were contacted they would, at the very most, receive a light scolding - it was such a minor incident. In fact, Peter reckoned that Cas’ father would have shouted more at the teachers for bothering him over nothing.
    Peter finished his reminiscence and started to walk briskly out of the street. He couldn’t remember too much about the layout of Crooksbarn as they didn’t often venture here when they were children. He did remember that there was another exit over the far side of the estate that would bring him out onto a main road, Hyde Avenue. He could cross this road to get onto Wolviston estate. He would have to go through Wolviston estate to get onto Low Grange North before heading down into Low Grange South where the school and the shops were. Again, it was a large distance to cover in thirty minutes, and he lamented the fact that it would take about five minutes in a car.
    Peter started to pick up the pace, ignoring the aching burning sensation in his shins and feet. The path leaving the estate, even though it was still daylight, was dark; concealed as it was by ten foot high fences and trees either side. About half way down the path he jerked to a stop as he saw a police car race by the exit with its lights flashing. It reminded him that every police officer would be getting drafted in to investigate the death at the flats because it involved one of their own. He felt a slight sense of relief that the police might be preoccupied at the scene, and might not be looking for him yet as they would be interviewing all the residents of the flats. He then felt a surge of guilt at considering the death of his friend Colin as a fortunate distraction for the police. He continued down the path. He was pretty sure no one would have recognised him but enough people had seen him to give the police a general description. He had to be careful, he couldn’t get caught or he’d forfeit the game, as Celo had put it.
    Peter arrived at the exit to the path and cautiously observed the traffic streaming up and down Hyde Avenue. He timed his runs to the break in the traffic to cross over and into Wolviston estate. He ran as fast as his body would let him, again questions went through his mind as he tried to make some sense out of what was happening. One nagging suspicion was standing strongly at the forefront of his mind. Celo must be a member of the Excellent Eight.

    CHAPTER 16
    Peter came running out of Wolviston estate, crossing over onto the road that ran through the middle of Low Grange North into Low Grange South. He looked at his mobile whilst running; 21 minutes to go.
    Peter continued with his train of thought. Celo had to be a member of the Excellent Eight. How else could he know so much about the group? Maybe he’d gained the information under duress from each person, but it didn’t seem likely. Besides, Colin had said that he had just woken up in the flats and didn’t mention seeing or speaking to anyone. Colin thought he’d been drugged … if so, how were they drugged? Were they all drugged in the pub, something slow acting that was put in their drinks maybe? Peter tried to recall anything unusual with the drinks bought last night but nothing stood out. Something bugged him, if Celo had drugged them in the pub how would he be certain that they would all get to Colin and Michelle’s house before passing out? Celo must have drugged them all back at the house. He tried to remember who was serving the drinks. He could only remember having a couple of bottles before blacking out. He wasn’t sure but he thought he could recall Steve handing out bottles to him and Cas. He remembered what he’d considered earlier about a

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