The Token 8: Kiki: A Billionaire Dark Romantic Suspense

Free The Token 8: Kiki: A Billionaire Dark Romantic Suspense by Marata Eros

Book: The Token 8: Kiki: A Billionaire Dark Romantic Suspense by Marata Eros Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marata Eros
know.” I'm not playing my normal game.
    Kandace strips me. My body is nude, but I feel naked with her. I loathe vulnerability, but something deep inside me gave me permission the first time I ever saw her dance.
    Her hair has long come undone, and I plunge my fingers into the deceptively soft tendrils. I tip her head back none-too-gently, and her eyes widen, her breaths speeding. I search her face.
    Every line, every finely sculpted bone from her smooth forehead to her stubborn jaw—it's a face I care for.
    Too much.
    “I'm not going anywhere,” I say.
    Fresh tears spill.
    “Have I hurt you, really?” I duck down, holding her eyes prisoner.
    She shakes her head.
    “Then what the fuck is it? Because I take, I own—I fucking consume , Kandace. And my sights are set on you. I've never pretended it was any other way.”
    Her breath hitches, and I release her though my hands ache to touch her.
    Two feet of space separate us.
    Or the Grand Canyon.
    She retreats a shaky step. I fold my arms across my chest. I can't read her when she's not being herself: animated, glaringly opinionated. It's unnerving in the extreme.
    Kandace smooths her hair, trying to cling to normalcy.
    “Sin,” I say.
    Her lips turn up at the corners. “Sin.”
    I nod, unfolding my arm and flipping up my palm. Go on.
    “I'm not some exotic booty call. I like—” Her eyelids sink as she casts her gaze to the ground. Eyelashes lay like lacy soot against her skin.
    I swallow. Hard.
    “I love—love what you do to my body. It's kind of sick and perverted that I let you bite me, fuck me after you've barely gotten through the door.” She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and gives me a nervous eye flick.
    “And?” I hear nothing wrong about any of it. My brow furrows.
    “And!?” Kandace spins away.
    I love the view. I grin at her round ass undulating as she struts off in a lather.
    She whirls, pointing at me. “I'm a damn mess! You came in me—again!” She gestures at the yoke of her thighs. “What if you have something?”
    “What if you do?” I ask in a calm voice.
    Her chin juts out. “Well then you're McFucked, ya prince!”
    I chuckle.
    Alive. Kandace has awoken me as though from a dream.
    “And you bit me all over! Rabies, anyone?”
    My smile dims. “You like it.”
    Her gaze locks with mine. “Yeah, you smug bastard.”
    I swing my palms away from my body. “I am waiting for the reason I should leave you.”
    Her words cause me to still. “Chloe.”
    My bark of laughter is unscripted.
    She folds her arms beneath her tits. I track the rise and fall of them.
    “Can you—earth to Chet? Can you focus on my words , pal? Instead of ogling my boobs.”
    A smile tweaks my lips. “I'll make every attempt.”
    “You're hopeless,” Kandace says but she's smiling.
    I don't bother to disagree.
    “Faren told me about Miss Hoity-Toity. I'm not going to be some fling on the side of Ice Queen. I have just this much self-respect.” She puts her index and thumb almost together.
    I move toward her with purpose, and she backs away until her delicious ass bumps into the counter we just fucked against. I grind my hips against her front, and her breath catches.
    “I have never had respect for women.”
    Kiki's eyes narrow. She grabs my shoulders as I push my cock through the material of her skirt and fit myself between her pussy lips.
    “So why am I letting you do this?” she asks with a little groan.
    I tell a truth. Just one.
    “I respect you.”
    “Oh, Sin,” she says quietly, her forehead falling to my shoulder.
    I cup the back of her head and bring it against my chest.
    “Very much.”
    “You know how fucked up we are?” she asks.
    I stop moving against her and just hold her.
    There are a lot of firsts today.
    She doesn't see my smile because her face is pressed against my heartbeat.
    “Yes,” I say.
    “Why doesn't it bother you? We haven't even been on a date. Yʼknow, like real people do? Dinner and a

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