Laughing Fate

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Book: Laughing Fate by Roxy Emilia Means Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roxy Emilia Means
get to you after I’m done with my duties?" Puck glared at him, his silverware and coffee cup in her hands. She seriously debated dumping the coffee on him, but that was probably against the law. God, she hated men.
    Meanwhile, Sandy had given a free ice cream sundae to the little kid at her table. Winking at them she walked over to Puck and gently pried the coffee out of her hands.
    "Hi there sir, is there a problem?" She asked sweetly. The man looked at her and judged her to be the manager.
    “Yes there is something wrong! This waitress is the most....awful person I have ever met!" Puck snorted at that, hand on hip, as she glared at the guy.
    "Oh my, that is terrible sir. Just terrible!" Sandy said sympathetically as she slowly poured the coffee on his lap. He screamed, Puck laughed, and the other customers smiled into their cups of coffee. Watching the two waitresses was part of the fun of eating at the old Diner.
    "No one talks about Puck like that. Got it? Get out; we don’t need your business here." The seated customers let out a cheer and clapped as the man stalked out. The diner was one of those places that catered mostly to the locals.  Lucky for Sandy, there was only one other diner, The Waterwheel, and that place was known for its dirty dining.  Her quaint little Diner was flourishing on just the local’s support, allowing her to kick out any tourists who didn’t appreciate Puck’s special brand of customer service.
    "Free drinks on the house, if you promise not to tell the owner!" yelled Sandy.
    "She’s just kidding, don’t pay attention to her!" yelled Puck. Sandy just smiled and started pouring drinks. Puck lost that round as well. Soon everyone was laughing and drinking their free beverages. Yep, the old diner was one of a kind. The customers loved the drama of watching the infamous Puck Berri interact with customers. And for any trauma that they experienced at Puck’s hand, Sandy more than made up for it with her smile and free food.
    Nine o’clock came quick and soon Puck was walking home from the diner. She had her car back by now, but she still preferred to walk. Her house was only about a mile from the diner, and she loved to walk under the stars. She loved the brisk seaside breeze that lent a slight chill to the air, the abandoned streets, and the slight hint of danger that walking at night gave her.
    She was walking briskly down the road, humming to herself softly. The sky was clear and the stars were winking merrily down on her. The street was quiet as she walked in the dark, shadowed street. About ten feet ahead of her someone was sitting on the street in a lawn chair. Scrunching her nose at how odd it all seemed, she walked forward hesitantly. What kind of weirdo sat in a lawn chair out in the middle of the road?
    "Hey, Puck! Care to join me?" asked Potter happily. Ah. That explained it...sort of. Potter was crazy enough to do that, she supposed. Puck grinned...of course who was she to complain of crazy?
    "What are you doing out here?" Puck asked as she stepped closer. Potter was wearing a brown billabong t shirt and ripped blue jeans. His hair was mussed up and his face was relaxed and happy.
    "There’s supposed to be a meteor shower. I can get another lawn chair if you want?" Potter was full of youthful enthusiasm. It was really cute to see, Puck thought.
    "Sure, I haven’t sat down to watch one since I was ten years old, visiting my cousins. Go get me a chair, Mr. Macho!" she said laughing as he ran back to his house to grab one. He also grabbed a warm blanket, some chips, and two cans of soda. He had his arms full and a nice girl would have helped him, but Puck was hoping he’d trip and fall (not out of maliciousness,  but just to shake things up a bit. Chaos was always entertaining). So she decided to sit down in the chair he’d vacated and wait for him.
    He dropped the blanket on her, and handed Puck the snacks. Then he placed the chair right next to hers and

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